NASWeb API Web Services Access to the Nonindigenous Aquatic Species Database
The national Nonindigenous Aquatic Species (NAS) Database Program serves as a repository for geo-referenced occurrence data on introduced aquatic organisms across the nation. The NAS Program, including the database and website (, is a well-known resource and has been widely referenced in peer reviewed literature, agency reports, state and national management plans, news articles and other locations. Access to NAS occurrence data is currently restricted to three channels: directly through the NAS website (primarily single occurrence records and species distribution maps), distributed databases (e.g, GBIF, BISON), and custom data queries directly through NAS program staff. The goal of this project is to design, test, and implement a Web Services API for access to NAS occurrence data. This novel access method to the NAS database will increase exposure and accessibility to NAS occurrence data to a broader array of customers and allow for new innovative uses of NAS data and integrations with external data sources.
Principal Investigator : Pam Fuller, Craig Conzelmann
Cooperator/Partner : Lenis Richard, Matthew E Neilson
Summary of Electronic Products Delivered:
1) Web Services API for NAS data: the web services API allows for access to information on occurrence data stored within the NAS database. The web services API was designed and completed in September 2014. API users can request information on a single specific occurrence record, or multiple records via query parameters. The API was designed to provide two levels of access: anonymous public access can retrieve 100 records per API request; users possessing an API key (generated after discussion with NAS staff about scope of data use and potential data limitations) have unlimited access. API will be opened to the public on October 15th, 2014. Public launch was delayed slightly from initial timeline due to slight complications in technical design and issues concerning handling and storage of personally identifying information (PII) associated with users granted an API key.
2) NAS Web Services API Documentation: documentation of the API has been generated, and includes information on the URL
used for API requests, all potential query parameters, and the data format of query results. Documentation will be available online at at public launch on October 15th.
Note: this description is from the FY14 Annual Report
- Source: USGS Sciencebase (id: 53209b45e4b0224be0a979ee)
The national Nonindigenous Aquatic Species (NAS) Database Program serves as a repository for geo-referenced occurrence data on introduced aquatic organisms across the nation. The NAS Program, including the database and website (, is a well-known resource and has been widely referenced in peer reviewed literature, agency reports, state and national management plans, news articles and other locations. Access to NAS occurrence data is currently restricted to three channels: directly through the NAS website (primarily single occurrence records and species distribution maps), distributed databases (e.g, GBIF, BISON), and custom data queries directly through NAS program staff. The goal of this project is to design, test, and implement a Web Services API for access to NAS occurrence data. This novel access method to the NAS database will increase exposure and accessibility to NAS occurrence data to a broader array of customers and allow for new innovative uses of NAS data and integrations with external data sources.
Principal Investigator : Pam Fuller, Craig Conzelmann
Cooperator/Partner : Lenis Richard, Matthew E Neilson
Summary of Electronic Products Delivered:
1) Web Services API for NAS data: the web services API allows for access to information on occurrence data stored within the NAS database. The web services API was designed and completed in September 2014. API users can request information on a single specific occurrence record, or multiple records via query parameters. The API was designed to provide two levels of access: anonymous public access can retrieve 100 records per API request; users possessing an API key (generated after discussion with NAS staff about scope of data use and potential data limitations) have unlimited access. API will be opened to the public on October 15th, 2014. Public launch was delayed slightly from initial timeline due to slight complications in technical design and issues concerning handling and storage of personally identifying information (PII) associated with users granted an API key.
2) NAS Web Services API Documentation: documentation of the API has been generated, and includes information on the URL
used for API requests, all potential query parameters, and the data format of query results. Documentation will be available online at at public launch on October 15th.
Note: this description is from the FY14 Annual Report
- Source: USGS Sciencebase (id: 53209b45e4b0224be0a979ee)