National Geochemical Database
The National Geochemical Database project assembles, reformats, corrects, and archives historical data obtained from the geochemical analysis of millions of geologic samples collected for USGS studies. These data, representing hundreds of millions of dollars' worth of USGS research, are provided to USGS researchers; other Federal agencies; State Geological Surveys and Environmental Protection agencies; mining, mineral exploration, and environmental industries; independent consultants; academicians; students; and private citizens through online portals and project collaboration.

Science Issue and Relevance
Beginning in 1964, analytical laboratories now housed within the Mineral Resources Program have recorded geochemical data in digital databases. During this time, these laboratories have analyzed over 1.4 million samples of geologic material such as soils, stream sediments, and rocks, and continue to analyze several thousand samples annually. The database representing these analyses contains in excess of 50 million analytical determinations and is growing daily. In 1984 the Mineral Resources Program inherited management responsibilities for the geochemical data generated on over 500,000 samples of stream sediments, soils, and waters by the Department of Energy's National Uranium Resource Evaluation (NURE) Hydrogeochemical and Stream Sediment Reconnaissance (HSSR) Program, which was conducted during the late 1970s and early 1980s. This project addresses the preservation of all the archival chemical data and all the newly generated data in perpetuity in an accurate, easily accessible, user-friendly, secure database.
An accurate, easily accessible geochemical database containing multi-element information on the surficial materials of the nation is vital if the USGS is to respond quickly to earth science issues raised by Congress and land management and environmental protection agencies. A nationally consistent geochemical database provides baseline information on the natural abundance and spatial variation of chemical elements to which changes caused by agricultural and irrigation practices, waste disposal, urbanization, industrial pollution, mineral exploration and mining activities, environmental remediation and restoration activities, and other land-use practices can be compared. Human-induced chemical changes to the environment are superimposed on a variable natural geochemical background where trace-element abundances can range over several orders of magnitude within short distances. These variations are inadequately documented and their existence is often overlooked in the setting of public policy. Important aspects of change cannot be measured, or their consequences anticipated, unless the present composition of the earth's surface materials is known.
Since 1995, National Geochemical Database projects have succeeded in converting, reformatting, combining, and preserving disparate geochemical data stored in Rock Analysis Storage System (RASS - the geochemical database maintained by the former Branches of Regional Geochemistry and Exploration Research from 1968-1987); archive PLUTO (the archive geochemical database maintained by the former Branches of Analytical Laboratories and Geochemistry from 1979-1995); and ATHENA (the geochemical database maintained by the Mineral Resources Science Center within the former in-house Laboratory Information Management System (PLUTO/LIMS) from 1995-1997). All of these data are now housed in the National Geochemical Database.
Methods to Address Issue
The current phase of the National Geochemical Database project has been divided into five tasks, each of which uniquely contributes to the goals and the strategy of the project.
- National Geochemical Database Reassessment, Outreach, and Liaison
- National Geochemical Database Development and Maintenance
- National Geochemical Database and NURE Database Delivery
- Data Renovation and Recovery
- Web-based Sample Submittal Process Development
Geospatial Data
National Geochemical Database geospatial data is available online. Find geochemistry of rocks, sediments, soils, and concentrates in the database. The database consists of primarily inorganic elemental concentrations; most samples are of earth materials in the continental US and Alaska.
National Geochemical Database
Below are other science projects associated with this project.
GIS Prospectivity Analysis for Critical Minerals in Ore-Forming Systems in Alaska
Analytical Chemistry
Iron Oxide-Copper-Cobalt-Gold-Rare Earth Element Deposits of Southeast Missouri—From the Ore Deposit Scale to a Global Deposit Model
Below are data releases associated with this project.
Legacy Geochemical Data from Hardcopy Records of Selected Past U.S. Geological Survey Projects
Geochemical data generated by projects funded by the USGS Earth Mapping Resources Initiative (ver. 11.0, January 2025)
Geochemical Data Release for Idaho Primitive Area, including the contiguous Clear Creek-Upper Big Deer Creek Area, the Salmon River Breaks Primitive Area, the Sawtooth Primitive Area, and adjacent areas, central Idaho (ver. 1.2, June 2022)
National Geochemical Database on Ore Deposits: Legacy data
Reanalysis of Selected Archived NURE-HSSR Sediment and Soil Samples from Arizona, California, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, and Utah
Reanalysis of Additional Selected Archived NURE-HSSR Sediment Samples from Idaho and Montana
Geochemical data used in the tungsten skarn mineral resource assessment of the Great Basin region of western Nevada and eastern California
Reanalysis of Selected Archived NURE-HSSR Sediment and Soil Samples from Alaska
Geochemical and Modal Data for Mesoproterozoic Igneous Rocks of the St. Francois Mountains, Southeast Missouri
Geochemical Database for Iron Oxide-Copper-Cobalt-Gold-Rare Earth Element Deposits of Southeast Missouri, 2016-2017
Global Geochemical Database for Critical Metals in Black Shales
Operation Basement: Missouri Precambrian Sample Database
Below are publications associated with this project.
GIS-based identification of areas that have resource potential for lode gold in Alaska
Data release of reprocessed select National Uranium Resources Evaluation program samples in Wyoming
Evaluation of the analytical methods used to determine the elemental concentrations found in the stream geochemical dataset compiled for Alaska
Alaska Geochemical Database Version 3.0 (AGDB3)—Including “Best Value” Data Compilations for Rock, Sediment, Soil, Mineral, and Concentrate Sample Media
Geology and mineral resources of the North-Central Montana Sagebrush Focal Area: Chapter D in Mineral resources of the Sagebrush Focal Areas of Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, and Wyoming
Geology and mineral resources of the North-Central Idaho Sagebrush Focal Area: Chapter C in Mineral resources of the Sagebrush Focal Areas of Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, and Wyoming
Overview with methods and procedures of the U.S. Geological Survey mineral-resource assessment of the Sagebrush Focal Areas of Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, and Wyoming: Chapter A in Mineral resources of the Sagebrush Focal Areas of Idaho, Mont
The geochemical atlas of Alaska, 2016
Geochemical reanalysis of historical U.S. Geological Survey sediment samples from the Inmachuk, Kugruk, Kiwalik, and Koyuk River drainages, Granite Mountain, and the northern Darby Mountains, Bendeleben, Candle, Kotzebue, and Solomon quadrangles, Alaska
Geochemical reanalysis of historical U.S. Geological Survey sediment samples from the Kougarok area, Bendeleben and Teller quadrangles, Seward Peninsula, Alaska
Geochemical reanalysis of historical U.S. Geological Survey sediment samples from the Haines area, Juneau and Skagway quadrangles, southeast Alaska
Geochemical reanalysis of historical U.S. Geological Survey sediment samples from the Tonsina area, Valdez Quadrangle, Alaska
The National Geochemical Database project assembles, reformats, corrects, and archives historical data obtained from the geochemical analysis of millions of geologic samples collected for USGS studies. These data, representing hundreds of millions of dollars' worth of USGS research, are provided to USGS researchers; other Federal agencies; State Geological Surveys and Environmental Protection agencies; mining, mineral exploration, and environmental industries; independent consultants; academicians; students; and private citizens through online portals and project collaboration.

Science Issue and Relevance
Beginning in 1964, analytical laboratories now housed within the Mineral Resources Program have recorded geochemical data in digital databases. During this time, these laboratories have analyzed over 1.4 million samples of geologic material such as soils, stream sediments, and rocks, and continue to analyze several thousand samples annually. The database representing these analyses contains in excess of 50 million analytical determinations and is growing daily. In 1984 the Mineral Resources Program inherited management responsibilities for the geochemical data generated on over 500,000 samples of stream sediments, soils, and waters by the Department of Energy's National Uranium Resource Evaluation (NURE) Hydrogeochemical and Stream Sediment Reconnaissance (HSSR) Program, which was conducted during the late 1970s and early 1980s. This project addresses the preservation of all the archival chemical data and all the newly generated data in perpetuity in an accurate, easily accessible, user-friendly, secure database.
An accurate, easily accessible geochemical database containing multi-element information on the surficial materials of the nation is vital if the USGS is to respond quickly to earth science issues raised by Congress and land management and environmental protection agencies. A nationally consistent geochemical database provides baseline information on the natural abundance and spatial variation of chemical elements to which changes caused by agricultural and irrigation practices, waste disposal, urbanization, industrial pollution, mineral exploration and mining activities, environmental remediation and restoration activities, and other land-use practices can be compared. Human-induced chemical changes to the environment are superimposed on a variable natural geochemical background where trace-element abundances can range over several orders of magnitude within short distances. These variations are inadequately documented and their existence is often overlooked in the setting of public policy. Important aspects of change cannot be measured, or their consequences anticipated, unless the present composition of the earth's surface materials is known.
Since 1995, National Geochemical Database projects have succeeded in converting, reformatting, combining, and preserving disparate geochemical data stored in Rock Analysis Storage System (RASS - the geochemical database maintained by the former Branches of Regional Geochemistry and Exploration Research from 1968-1987); archive PLUTO (the archive geochemical database maintained by the former Branches of Analytical Laboratories and Geochemistry from 1979-1995); and ATHENA (the geochemical database maintained by the Mineral Resources Science Center within the former in-house Laboratory Information Management System (PLUTO/LIMS) from 1995-1997). All of these data are now housed in the National Geochemical Database.
Methods to Address Issue
The current phase of the National Geochemical Database project has been divided into five tasks, each of which uniquely contributes to the goals and the strategy of the project.
- National Geochemical Database Reassessment, Outreach, and Liaison
- National Geochemical Database Development and Maintenance
- National Geochemical Database and NURE Database Delivery
- Data Renovation and Recovery
- Web-based Sample Submittal Process Development
Geospatial Data
National Geochemical Database geospatial data is available online. Find geochemistry of rocks, sediments, soils, and concentrates in the database. The database consists of primarily inorganic elemental concentrations; most samples are of earth materials in the continental US and Alaska.
National Geochemical Database
Below are other science projects associated with this project.
GIS Prospectivity Analysis for Critical Minerals in Ore-Forming Systems in Alaska
Analytical Chemistry
Iron Oxide-Copper-Cobalt-Gold-Rare Earth Element Deposits of Southeast Missouri—From the Ore Deposit Scale to a Global Deposit Model
Below are data releases associated with this project.
Legacy Geochemical Data from Hardcopy Records of Selected Past U.S. Geological Survey Projects
Geochemical data generated by projects funded by the USGS Earth Mapping Resources Initiative (ver. 11.0, January 2025)
Geochemical Data Release for Idaho Primitive Area, including the contiguous Clear Creek-Upper Big Deer Creek Area, the Salmon River Breaks Primitive Area, the Sawtooth Primitive Area, and adjacent areas, central Idaho (ver. 1.2, June 2022)
National Geochemical Database on Ore Deposits: Legacy data
Reanalysis of Selected Archived NURE-HSSR Sediment and Soil Samples from Arizona, California, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, and Utah
Reanalysis of Additional Selected Archived NURE-HSSR Sediment Samples from Idaho and Montana
Geochemical data used in the tungsten skarn mineral resource assessment of the Great Basin region of western Nevada and eastern California
Reanalysis of Selected Archived NURE-HSSR Sediment and Soil Samples from Alaska
Geochemical and Modal Data for Mesoproterozoic Igneous Rocks of the St. Francois Mountains, Southeast Missouri
Geochemical Database for Iron Oxide-Copper-Cobalt-Gold-Rare Earth Element Deposits of Southeast Missouri, 2016-2017
Global Geochemical Database for Critical Metals in Black Shales
Operation Basement: Missouri Precambrian Sample Database
Below are publications associated with this project.