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February 24, 2023

American Fishery Society New York Chapter Meeting

Several GLSC scientists and technicians stationed in Oswego and Cortland, New York, presented at the New York Chapter of the American Fisheries Society annual meeting at Stony Brook University, February 8-10, 2023. The theme of the meeting was “Then and Now,” highlighting the dynamic past and present of fisheries in NY waters. GLSC presentations included the following. 

  • Dittman, D., M. Chalupnicki, P. Randall, J. Wyatt, M. Sanderson. 2023. Milestones of Success: Return of Lake Sturgeon to the Genesee River, NY. February 8-10, Stony Brook, NY. Oral Presentation. 
  • McKenna, Jr., J. E., R.S. Cornman, T. David. 2023. Biodiversity and Distribution Estimates in a Tributary to the St. Lawrence River Using eDNA and Conventional Collection Methods. February 8-10, Stony Brook, NY. Oral Presentation. 
  • Weidel, B.C., A.J. Gatch, B.P. O’Malley, D. Gorsky, C. Davis, J. McKenna Jr., M. Connerton. 2023. Is studying coregonine early life stages the key to restoration? New York Chapter American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. February 8 -10, Stony Brook, NY. Oral Presentation. 
  • Moore. J., M. Chalupnicki, J.E. McKenna, Jr., D.E. Dittman. 2023. Multi-year assessment of Walleye spawning in the Black River. February 8 -10, Stony Brook, NY. Poster Presentation. 
  • Rubenstein, S., J.E. McKenna, Jr., J.H. Johnson. 2023. Phototaxic response of Cisco larvae. February 8 -10, Stony Brook, NY. Poster Presentation. 
  • Skrotzki, J., M.A. Chalupnicki, J.E. McKenna, Jr., J.H. Johnson. 2023. Dace hybridization and diet comparison. February 8 -10, Stony Brook, NY. Poster Presentation. 
  • Taylor, T., M. Chalupnicki, J.E. Mckenna, Jr., J.H. Johnson. 2023. Diel diet of Swallowtail Shiner in Little York Lake. February 8 -10, Stony Brook, NY. Poster Presentation. 

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