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Ohio-Kentucky-Indiana Groundwater Networks

Groundwater level is monitored at numerous observation wells across Ohio, Kentucky, and Indiana. Data are collected in real-time, continuous, and periodically. These data support decisions by local, state, and federal cooperators to balance diverse and growing demands for water resources in our three states. These demands include major resource management challenges like groundwater availability...

Ohio-Kentucky-Indiana Groundwater Networks

Groundwater level is monitored at numerous observation wells across Ohio, Kentucky, and Indiana. Data are collected in real-time, continuous, and periodically. These data support decisions by local, state, and federal cooperators to balance diverse and growing demands for water resources in our three states. These demands include major resource management challenges like groundwater availability...
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Ohio-Kentucky-Indiana Surface Water, Groundwater, Water-Quality Networks

The USGS has the principal responsibility within the federal government to provide the hydrologic information and understanding needed by others to achieve the best use and management of the nation’s water resources. Basic data are the key to solving many water-quantity or -quality problems. Ohio, Kentucky, and Indiana operate a large hydrologic network across the three states, collecting surface...

Ohio-Kentucky-Indiana Surface Water, Groundwater, Water-Quality Networks

The USGS has the principal responsibility within the federal government to provide the hydrologic information and understanding needed by others to achieve the best use and management of the nation’s water resources. Basic data are the key to solving many water-quantity or -quality problems. Ohio, Kentucky, and Indiana operate a large hydrologic network across the three states, collecting surface...
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Ohio-Kentucky-Indiana Collaboration Partners

One of the strongest ways to ensure that science is done effectively and efficiently in the midst of ever decreasing budgets is to collaborate.

Ohio-Kentucky-Indiana Collaboration Partners

One of the strongest ways to ensure that science is done effectively and efficiently in the midst of ever decreasing budgets is to collaborate.
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Groundwater Network In Ohio

State and local agencies in Ohio (and to a limited extent, the USGS) collect, research, interpret, and disseminate groundwater data to characterize the groundwater resources of the State. To address these needs, the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) and the Miami Conservancy District (MCD) monitor groundwater levels for more than 140 wells throughout Ohio. Personnel from the USGS Ohio...

Groundwater Network In Ohio

State and local agencies in Ohio (and to a limited extent, the USGS) collect, research, interpret, and disseminate groundwater data to characterize the groundwater resources of the State. To address these needs, the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) and the Miami Conservancy District (MCD) monitor groundwater levels for more than 140 wells throughout Ohio. Personnel from the USGS Ohio...
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Conservation Farming Relating to Water-Quality and Quantity

The U.S. Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservations Service and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency have focused part of the National Water Quality Initiative (NWQI) on the School Branch watershed. The USGS is collaborating, through a Clean Water Act Section 319 grant, with the Indiana Department of Environmental Management to accomplish NWQI nonpoint-source water-pollution...

Conservation Farming Relating to Water-Quality and Quantity

The U.S. Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservations Service and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency have focused part of the National Water Quality Initiative (NWQI) on the School Branch watershed. The USGS is collaborating, through a Clean Water Act Section 319 grant, with the Indiana Department of Environmental Management to accomplish NWQI nonpoint-source water-pollution...
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Investigations and Monitoring of Mercury in Indiana

Starting in 2000, the U.S. Geological Survey partnered with the Indiana Department of Environmental Management, the National Atmospheric Deposition Program, and the Lake Michigan Air Directors Consortium to investigate and monitor mercury in the environment in Indiana. This web page provides a list of publications and links to statewide studies of mercury in Indiana and regional mercury studies...

Investigations and Monitoring of Mercury in Indiana

Starting in 2000, the U.S. Geological Survey partnered with the Indiana Department of Environmental Management, the National Atmospheric Deposition Program, and the Lake Michigan Air Directors Consortium to investigate and monitor mercury in the environment in Indiana. This web page provides a list of publications and links to statewide studies of mercury in Indiana and regional mercury studies...
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Natural Background Methane In Ohio Aquifers: Occurrence, Isotopic Characteristics, And Relation To Arsenic Concentrations

Arsenic is odorless and tasteless and can enter drinking-water supplies from natural deposits in rock and soil. In some parts of Ohio, arsenic concentrations in groundwater have exceeded the arsenic drinking-water standard of 10 parts per billion that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has set to protect consumers from the effects of long-term, chronic exposure to arsenic(U.S. Environmental...

Natural Background Methane In Ohio Aquifers: Occurrence, Isotopic Characteristics, And Relation To Arsenic Concentrations

Arsenic is odorless and tasteless and can enter drinking-water supplies from natural deposits in rock and soil. In some parts of Ohio, arsenic concentrations in groundwater have exceeded the arsenic drinking-water standard of 10 parts per billion that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has set to protect consumers from the effects of long-term, chronic exposure to arsenic(U.S. Environmental...
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Flowmeter Evaluation and Application

Borehole flowmeters with the capability to measure groundwater velocity and direction of flow are tested and applied to various hydrogeologic settings.

Flowmeter Evaluation and Application

Borehole flowmeters with the capability to measure groundwater velocity and direction of flow are tested and applied to various hydrogeologic settings.
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Glacial Aquifer System - Hydrogeologic Properties

Water-well drillers’ records are used to create maps and grids of hydrogeologic properties for the glaciated United States.

Glacial Aquifer System - Hydrogeologic Properties

Water-well drillers’ records are used to create maps and grids of hydrogeologic properties for the glaciated United States.
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Long-term Water-level Monitoring Network, Geauga County, Ohio

Residents of Geauga County rely almost exclusively on groundwater as their source of drinking water. County planners are concerned that steady population growth and associated increased withdrawals of groundwater may cause a decline in groundwater levels. Declining groundwater levels indicate a decrease in the amount of groundwater that is available for human use and to maintain streamflow during...

Long-term Water-level Monitoring Network, Geauga County, Ohio

Residents of Geauga County rely almost exclusively on groundwater as their source of drinking water. County planners are concerned that steady population growth and associated increased withdrawals of groundwater may cause a decline in groundwater levels. Declining groundwater levels indicate a decrease in the amount of groundwater that is available for human use and to maintain streamflow during...
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Monitoring Of Groundwater Levels And Surface-Water Quality At The South Well Field, Franklin County, Ohio

The City of Columbus operates 5 high-capacity collector wells to extract groundwater for drinking-water supply. To assist the City, the USGS monitors water levels in 5 observation wells and operates a water-quality monitor on the Scioto River where specific conductance, temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, and turbidity are measured on an hourly basis. In addition, groundwater-level synoptic...

Monitoring Of Groundwater Levels And Surface-Water Quality At The South Well Field, Franklin County, Ohio

The City of Columbus operates 5 high-capacity collector wells to extract groundwater for drinking-water supply. To assist the City, the USGS monitors water levels in 5 observation wells and operates a water-quality monitor on the Scioto River where specific conductance, temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, and turbidity are measured on an hourly basis. In addition, groundwater-level synoptic...
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Simulation of Soil-Water Availability

How much water is stored in the soil? Does agricultural management affect this? Will this change if temperatures increase and plants need more water? In order to answer this question, we have focused on the differences in soil physical properties under four land management types (forest, pasture, traditional agriculture, and conservation agriculture) and whether these differences effect how water...

Simulation of Soil-Water Availability

How much water is stored in the soil? Does agricultural management affect this? Will this change if temperatures increase and plants need more water? In order to answer this question, we have focused on the differences in soil physical properties under four land management types (forest, pasture, traditional agriculture, and conservation agriculture) and whether these differences effect how water...
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