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USGS Oklahoma-Texas Water Science Center operates real-time data collection sites in Oklahoma and Texas for acquiring information on surface-water, groundwater, water-quality, and precipitation. These sites provide real-time data via satellite, radio, cellphone communication, and enable public access to the data on the Web. 

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Surface-Water Data for Texas from NWISweb

Current and historical conditions, daily data, statistics, peak-flow data, and field measurements from the USGS National Water Information System (NWIS).

Water-Quality Data for Texas from NWISweb

Current and historical conditions, statistics, and field/lab samples from the USGS National Water Information System (NWIS).

Current Water-Quality Conditions in Texas

Real-time water-quality conditions from more than 80 sites across Texas.

Groundwater Data for Texas from NWISweb

Well locations, current and historical water levels, and statistics from the USGS National Water Information System (NWIS).

Groundwater: Groundwater Watch Texas Active Water Level Network

Use the map to find active wells in Texas with links to site information, statistics, and data.

Groundwater: Long-Term Data Network

Sites in Texas that have annual groundwater data for 20 years or more.

Current Groundwater Conditions in Texas

Real-time groundwater levels from more than 40 sites across Texas.

Current Streamflow Conditions in Texas

Real-time streamflow conditions from more than 600 sites across Texas.

14.86 km Profiles of the Electric and Self-potential Fields Measured in the Lower Guadalupe River Channel, Texas Interior Gulf Coastal Plain, September 2016

This data release consists of three geophysical data sets measured in the lower Guadalupe River channel, south-central Texas, and one supplementary geophysical data set measured in a laboratory. The lower Guadalupe River is incised into the outcrop of the Carrizo-Wilcox aquifer in south-central Texas. The river and the aquifer are hydraulically connected across the outcrop, although the connectivi

Biological and physical data for zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) veligers collected from a coupled lake-stream ecosystem in north Texas, 2012-2014

Dispersal, establishment, and spread of aquatic invasive species such as the zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) can be influenced by riverine velocities and volumetric flows in invaded lake-stream ecosystems. Zebra mussels, which have a planktonic larval form (veliger), disperse rapidly downstream from a source population. Concentrations, dispersal, and body conditions of zebra mussel veligers we

Reanalysis of the Medina/Diversion Lake System Water-Budget, with Estimated Recharge to Edwards Aquifer, San Antonio Area, Texas

Hydrologic water-budgets were calculated for the Medina and Diversion Lake system near San Antonio, Texas for periods between March 1955 and June 2002. The hydrologic-budgets were calculated from daily hydrologic data that included precipitation, evaporation, streamflow, and change in reservoir storage. The residual of the hydrologic budgets represent ground-water outflow from the Medina and Diver

Bathymetric Surveys of the Neosho River, Spring River, and Elk River, northeast Oklahoma and southwest Missouri, 201617

In February 2017, the Grand River Dam Authority filed to relicense the Pensacola Hydroelectric Project with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. The predominant feature of the Pensacola Hydroelectric Project is Pensacola Dam, which impounds Grand Lake O the Cherokees (locally called Grand Lake) in northeastern Oklahoma. Identification of information gaps and assessment of project effects on s
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