Groundwater in the Upper Deschutes Basin, Oregon
Groundwater monitoring in the Deschutes Basin shows water-level declines are larger than might be expected from climate variations alone, raising questions regarding the influence of groundwater pumping, canal lining, and other human influences.
The upper Deschutes Basin is among the fastest growing regions in Oregon. The rapid population growth has been accompanied by increased demand for water. Surface streams, however, have been administratively closed to additional appropriation for many years, and surface water is not generally available to support new development. Consequently, ground water is being relied upon to satisfy the growth in water demand.
The growing reliance on ground water, and the increased development of the resource, has resulted in concerns among basin residents, water users, and natural resource agencies. The most common questions pertain to the capacity of the resource to accommodate increased use and the potential for ground-water pumping to diminish streamflow. A secondary concern is the possible consequences of lining irrigation canals to reduce the substantial leakage. Reducing irrigation canal leakage could result in the lowering of the water table in certain areas.
The U.S. Geological Survey conducted a study of the ground-water system of the upper Deschutes Basin to develop a quantitative understanding of the regional hydrology, and to provide tools to allow resource managers and basin residents to evaluate the possible effects of various development scenarios. The study was conducted in cooperation with the Oregon Water Resources Department, the cities of Bend, Redmond, and Sisters, Deschutes and Jefferson Counties, and the Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs Reservation of Oregon.
The objective of this study was to provide a quantitative understanding of the ground-water hydrology in the Middle Deschutes Basin in order to provide resource managers, planners, and the general public the best information available with which to make water maanagement decisions. Specifically, this information includes: a compilation of basic ground-water data, a description of the geologic framework of the regional flow system, a quantitative description of the flow system including estimation of the hydrologic budget, an evaluation of ground-water/surface water relationships, an analysis of the effects of present canal leakage, and development of the capability to estimate of the effects of present and future development on ground-water levels and streamflow.
The study was conducted in two phases. Phase I included the characterization of the hydrogeologic framework using surface geologic maps and lithologic data from wells. This phase also included estimation of the rates and distribution of recharge to the aquifer system from precipitation (using a mass-balance approach), canal leakage, and deep percolation of irrigation water applied to fields. Discharge from the aquifer system to streams was estimated using streamflow records and gain-loss measurements. Discharge to wells was estimated using pumping records, analysis of satellite imagery (for identification of crop areas and types), and water-right information. Water-level elevation maps were created using water levels measured in wells precisely located in the field. The last part of phase I consisted of construction and calibration of a steady-state numerical flow model. Phase II of the study involved construction and calibration of a transient ground-water flow model. The models can be used to test various future ground-water development scenarios and canal lining scenarios, particularly with regard to their effects on regional ground-water levels and streamflow.
Below are data or web applications associated with this project.
National Water Information System (NWIS) - Oregon
Below are multimedia items associated with this project.
Below are publications associated with this project.
Landscape controls on the distribution and ecohydrology of central Oregon springs
Simulation of groundwater and surface-water flow in the upper Deschutes Basin, Oregon
Geologic and geomorphic controls on the occurrence of fens in the Oregon Cascades and implications for vulnerability and conservation
Analysis of 1997–2008 groundwater level changes in the upper Deschutes Basin, Central Oregon
Spatial variability of the response to climate change in regional groundwater systems -- examples from simulations in the Deschutes Basin, Oregon
Simulation of regional ground-water flow in the Upper Deschutes Basin, Oregon
Geologic framework of the regional ground-water flow system in the Upper Deschutes Basin, Oregon
Ground-Water Hydrology of the Upper Deschutes Basin, Oregon
Chemical study of regional ground-water flow and ground-water/surface-water interaction in the Upper Deschutes Basin, Oregon
Ground-water and water-chemistry data for the upper Deschutes Basin, Oregon
Below are partners associated with this project.
Groundwater monitoring in the Deschutes Basin shows water-level declines are larger than might be expected from climate variations alone, raising questions regarding the influence of groundwater pumping, canal lining, and other human influences.
The upper Deschutes Basin is among the fastest growing regions in Oregon. The rapid population growth has been accompanied by increased demand for water. Surface streams, however, have been administratively closed to additional appropriation for many years, and surface water is not generally available to support new development. Consequently, ground water is being relied upon to satisfy the growth in water demand.
The growing reliance on ground water, and the increased development of the resource, has resulted in concerns among basin residents, water users, and natural resource agencies. The most common questions pertain to the capacity of the resource to accommodate increased use and the potential for ground-water pumping to diminish streamflow. A secondary concern is the possible consequences of lining irrigation canals to reduce the substantial leakage. Reducing irrigation canal leakage could result in the lowering of the water table in certain areas.
The U.S. Geological Survey conducted a study of the ground-water system of the upper Deschutes Basin to develop a quantitative understanding of the regional hydrology, and to provide tools to allow resource managers and basin residents to evaluate the possible effects of various development scenarios. The study was conducted in cooperation with the Oregon Water Resources Department, the cities of Bend, Redmond, and Sisters, Deschutes and Jefferson Counties, and the Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs Reservation of Oregon.
The objective of this study was to provide a quantitative understanding of the ground-water hydrology in the Middle Deschutes Basin in order to provide resource managers, planners, and the general public the best information available with which to make water maanagement decisions. Specifically, this information includes: a compilation of basic ground-water data, a description of the geologic framework of the regional flow system, a quantitative description of the flow system including estimation of the hydrologic budget, an evaluation of ground-water/surface water relationships, an analysis of the effects of present canal leakage, and development of the capability to estimate of the effects of present and future development on ground-water levels and streamflow.
The study was conducted in two phases. Phase I included the characterization of the hydrogeologic framework using surface geologic maps and lithologic data from wells. This phase also included estimation of the rates and distribution of recharge to the aquifer system from precipitation (using a mass-balance approach), canal leakage, and deep percolation of irrigation water applied to fields. Discharge from the aquifer system to streams was estimated using streamflow records and gain-loss measurements. Discharge to wells was estimated using pumping records, analysis of satellite imagery (for identification of crop areas and types), and water-right information. Water-level elevation maps were created using water levels measured in wells precisely located in the field. The last part of phase I consisted of construction and calibration of a steady-state numerical flow model. Phase II of the study involved construction and calibration of a transient ground-water flow model. The models can be used to test various future ground-water development scenarios and canal lining scenarios, particularly with regard to their effects on regional ground-water levels and streamflow.
Below are data or web applications associated with this project.
National Water Information System (NWIS) - Oregon
Below are multimedia items associated with this project.
Below are publications associated with this project.
Landscape controls on the distribution and ecohydrology of central Oregon springs
Simulation of groundwater and surface-water flow in the upper Deschutes Basin, Oregon
Geologic and geomorphic controls on the occurrence of fens in the Oregon Cascades and implications for vulnerability and conservation
Analysis of 1997–2008 groundwater level changes in the upper Deschutes Basin, Central Oregon
Spatial variability of the response to climate change in regional groundwater systems -- examples from simulations in the Deschutes Basin, Oregon
Simulation of regional ground-water flow in the Upper Deschutes Basin, Oregon
Geologic framework of the regional ground-water flow system in the Upper Deschutes Basin, Oregon
Ground-Water Hydrology of the Upper Deschutes Basin, Oregon
Chemical study of regional ground-water flow and ground-water/surface-water interaction in the Upper Deschutes Basin, Oregon
Ground-water and water-chemistry data for the upper Deschutes Basin, Oregon
Below are partners associated with this project.