Following a wet winter, bulrush is shown growing in Malheur Lake. Emergent vegetation like bulrush provides nesting habitat and food resources for birds.
Oregon Water Science Center's Malheur Lake Portfolio
USGS scientists have partnered with local groups to learn about the processes affecting turbidity in Malheur Lake. Located in southeastern Oregon, Malheur Lake and the surrounding refuge provide critical habitat to birds migrating along the Pacific Flyway.
![Eight smiling faces stand in knee high water around aluminum airboat on a sunny day](
Malheur Lake is the largest lake in the Harney Basin in southeastern Oregon and is located within the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge (MNWR). President Theodore Roosevelt established the MNWR in 1908 because the lake system was one of the largest freshwater marshes in the United States and serves as an important stop and breeding ground along the Pacific Flyway for millions of migratory birds. The refuge is managed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
Since the 1990s, Malheur Lake—which averages depths of about 1 meter—has been in a degraded, turbid state, which is characterized by a lack of vegetation, high turbidity, and high algae content. Multiple factors may have contributed to the shift from a clear to turbid state. For example, the introduction of non-native common carp in the 1920s negatively impacted lake vegetation and clarity. Environmental events such as multiple years of flooding in the 1980s and changes in land use and climate may have also affected lake water quality.
USGS research:
USGS scientists are part of an ongoing effort to identify the processes that maintain the turbid state at Malheur Lake and to determine the threshold that must be achieved through restoration activities to return the lake to its clear, vegetated state. Studies have investigated the physical characteristics of suspended material in the lake, the sources of suspended sediment (such as tributary inputs), solar radiation through the water column, and the erodibility of the lakebed. In addition, researchers have investigated factors that influence the concentration of suspended material such as water depth, nutrient concentrations, wind speed, and precipitation.
Major findings include:
- High suspended-sediment concentrations within Malheur Lake likely are negatively affecting the survival of desirable aquatic plants.
- Lakebed and suspended sediments are mostly very fine-grained material (less than 63 micrometers) that limit sunlight available for plants.
- Wind speeds above 11–22 miles per hour (5–10 meters per second) resuspend lakebed material causing rapid increases in turbidity that can last for several days, which occurs frequently.
- Between wind events, turbidity values remain at a persistent baseline level.
- Land-use practices and water diversions along tributaries affect the water quantity and the nutrient and suspended-sediment concentrations reaching the lake.
- In 2019 (a wet water year), approximately two-thirds of the increase in suspended-sediment storage in the water column was attributed to internal resuspension and one-third was from external loading.
- The internal resuspension, deposition, and external loading of suspended sediment likely is decreasing lakebed variability.
Total phosphorus and orthophosphate concentrations measured over the past 5 years are substantially higher than in the 1980s, and the lake is eutrophic.
Future lake management and restoration aim to reestablish vegetation and reduce suspended material in the water column to increase the amount and quality of food resources for birds. Restoration actions could target wind-driven turbidity events by planting bulrush to create a natural wave reduction barrier. For baseline turbidity levels, adding a coagulant, like alum and bentonite clay, could be used to clump up suspended material so it sinks to the bottom and improves water clarity. Restoration actions that prioritize vegetation establishment would reduce bioavailable nutrients for phytoplankton while increasing light in the water column.
![see caption](
USGS research informs restoration efforts:
Based on these findings, a mesocosm study was designed by the USGS. In 2021 and 2023, mesocosms were constructed in the lake to test ways to reduce suspended sediment in the water to promote plant growth. Mesocosm treatments included 1) wind barriers to reduce wave action that stirs up sediment, 2) clumping suspended materials so that it sinks to the bottom, 3) the addition of sand to harden the lakebed, and 4) various combinations of those treatments. All of the treatments used in this study could be scalable to try and restore portions of the lake in the future. Analyses of mesocosm data are ongoing.
![Pole mounted wind sensor in between sheet metal barriers in the blue waters of Malheaur Lake](
Phytoplankton Data for Malheur Lake, Oregon, 2018-2020
Stage-Volume-Area Table for Malheur Lake, Oregon, 2021
Following a wet winter, bulrush is shown growing in Malheur Lake. Emergent vegetation like bulrush provides nesting habitat and food resources for birds.
Local sand was applied to some mesocosms to test whether hardening the lakebed would reduce suspension of bottom sediments.
Local sand was applied to some mesocosms to test whether hardening the lakebed would reduce suspension of bottom sediments.
Implications of water, sediment, and nutrient budgets for the restoration of a shallow, turbid lake in semiarid southeastern Oregon
Light attenuation and erosion characteristics of fine sediments in a highly turbid, shallow, Great Basin Lake—Malheur Lake, Oregon, 2017–18
USGS scientists have partnered with local groups to learn about the processes affecting turbidity in Malheur Lake. Located in southeastern Oregon, Malheur Lake and the surrounding refuge provide critical habitat to birds migrating along the Pacific Flyway.
![Eight smiling faces stand in knee high water around aluminum airboat on a sunny day](
Malheur Lake is the largest lake in the Harney Basin in southeastern Oregon and is located within the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge (MNWR). President Theodore Roosevelt established the MNWR in 1908 because the lake system was one of the largest freshwater marshes in the United States and serves as an important stop and breeding ground along the Pacific Flyway for millions of migratory birds. The refuge is managed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
Since the 1990s, Malheur Lake—which averages depths of about 1 meter—has been in a degraded, turbid state, which is characterized by a lack of vegetation, high turbidity, and high algae content. Multiple factors may have contributed to the shift from a clear to turbid state. For example, the introduction of non-native common carp in the 1920s negatively impacted lake vegetation and clarity. Environmental events such as multiple years of flooding in the 1980s and changes in land use and climate may have also affected lake water quality.
USGS research:
USGS scientists are part of an ongoing effort to identify the processes that maintain the turbid state at Malheur Lake and to determine the threshold that must be achieved through restoration activities to return the lake to its clear, vegetated state. Studies have investigated the physical characteristics of suspended material in the lake, the sources of suspended sediment (such as tributary inputs), solar radiation through the water column, and the erodibility of the lakebed. In addition, researchers have investigated factors that influence the concentration of suspended material such as water depth, nutrient concentrations, wind speed, and precipitation.
Major findings include:
- High suspended-sediment concentrations within Malheur Lake likely are negatively affecting the survival of desirable aquatic plants.
- Lakebed and suspended sediments are mostly very fine-grained material (less than 63 micrometers) that limit sunlight available for plants.
- Wind speeds above 11–22 miles per hour (5–10 meters per second) resuspend lakebed material causing rapid increases in turbidity that can last for several days, which occurs frequently.
- Between wind events, turbidity values remain at a persistent baseline level.
- Land-use practices and water diversions along tributaries affect the water quantity and the nutrient and suspended-sediment concentrations reaching the lake.
- In 2019 (a wet water year), approximately two-thirds of the increase in suspended-sediment storage in the water column was attributed to internal resuspension and one-third was from external loading.
- The internal resuspension, deposition, and external loading of suspended sediment likely is decreasing lakebed variability.
Total phosphorus and orthophosphate concentrations measured over the past 5 years are substantially higher than in the 1980s, and the lake is eutrophic.
Future lake management and restoration aim to reestablish vegetation and reduce suspended material in the water column to increase the amount and quality of food resources for birds. Restoration actions could target wind-driven turbidity events by planting bulrush to create a natural wave reduction barrier. For baseline turbidity levels, adding a coagulant, like alum and bentonite clay, could be used to clump up suspended material so it sinks to the bottom and improves water clarity. Restoration actions that prioritize vegetation establishment would reduce bioavailable nutrients for phytoplankton while increasing light in the water column.
![see caption](
USGS research informs restoration efforts:
Based on these findings, a mesocosm study was designed by the USGS. In 2021 and 2023, mesocosms were constructed in the lake to test ways to reduce suspended sediment in the water to promote plant growth. Mesocosm treatments included 1) wind barriers to reduce wave action that stirs up sediment, 2) clumping suspended materials so that it sinks to the bottom, 3) the addition of sand to harden the lakebed, and 4) various combinations of those treatments. All of the treatments used in this study could be scalable to try and restore portions of the lake in the future. Analyses of mesocosm data are ongoing.
![Pole mounted wind sensor in between sheet metal barriers in the blue waters of Malheaur Lake](
Phytoplankton Data for Malheur Lake, Oregon, 2018-2020
Stage-Volume-Area Table for Malheur Lake, Oregon, 2021
Following a wet winter, bulrush is shown growing in Malheur Lake. Emergent vegetation like bulrush provides nesting habitat and food resources for birds.
Following a wet winter, bulrush is shown growing in Malheur Lake. Emergent vegetation like bulrush provides nesting habitat and food resources for birds.
Local sand was applied to some mesocosms to test whether hardening the lakebed would reduce suspension of bottom sediments.
Local sand was applied to some mesocosms to test whether hardening the lakebed would reduce suspension of bottom sediments.