In geophysical surveys from a ship, a magnetometer measures the fluctuations in the magnetic signature of the rocks and sediment below the ocean floor.
The G-882 is a high resolution cesium vapor marine magnetometer, used to detect ferrous objects (e.g., anything made of iron, like pipelines, sunken ships, etc.) as well as for geophysical studies. The magnetometer detects variations in the total magnetic field based on the composition of the seafloor. Survey design and tow configuration is dependent on the goal of the study. Detecting ferrous objects requires the magnetometer to be towed a few meters above the seafloor in tightly spaced survey lines, whereas geophysical studies can use the magnetometer towed at the surface with larger distances between the survey lines. It can sample at up to 20 Hz and has a heading error <1 nT.
Manufacturer: Geometrics
Model: G-882 Marine Magnetometer
Weight: 40 lbs, up to 100 lbs with use of five weight collars
Dimensions: 2.75x2.75x 54”
Power Requirements: 24 to 32 VDC
Tow Cable Breaking Strength: 1630 kg

Operational Characteristics
Minimum Operational Depth: 20 m
Maximum Operational Depth: The magnetometer is depth rated for 4000 psi, but in practice may be limited by the length of the tow cable
Sediment Type: Any
Limitations: The magnetometer should be towed at a distance four times the vessel length away from the ship. Therefore, on a 60 ft vessel, a tow cable of at least 250 feet is required.
Power Outputs / Freq. Ranges: Passive
Ship’s Requirements
The magnetometer is light enough to be hand deployed by one person
See the multichannel seismic system for a comprehensive description. Also, check out the PCMSC Marine Facility (MarFac) web site for more information about field gear.
High-Resolution Multichannel Seismic System
PCMSC MarFac Field Equipment and Capabilities
PCMSC Marine Facility (MarFac)
In geophysical surveys from a ship, a magnetometer measures the fluctuations in the magnetic signature of the rocks and sediment below the ocean floor.
The G-882 is a high resolution cesium vapor marine magnetometer, used to detect ferrous objects (e.g., anything made of iron, like pipelines, sunken ships, etc.) as well as for geophysical studies. The magnetometer detects variations in the total magnetic field based on the composition of the seafloor. Survey design and tow configuration is dependent on the goal of the study. Detecting ferrous objects requires the magnetometer to be towed a few meters above the seafloor in tightly spaced survey lines, whereas geophysical studies can use the magnetometer towed at the surface with larger distances between the survey lines. It can sample at up to 20 Hz and has a heading error <1 nT.
Manufacturer: Geometrics
Model: G-882 Marine Magnetometer
Weight: 40 lbs, up to 100 lbs with use of five weight collars
Dimensions: 2.75x2.75x 54”
Power Requirements: 24 to 32 VDC
Tow Cable Breaking Strength: 1630 kg

Operational Characteristics
Minimum Operational Depth: 20 m
Maximum Operational Depth: The magnetometer is depth rated for 4000 psi, but in practice may be limited by the length of the tow cable
Sediment Type: Any
Limitations: The magnetometer should be towed at a distance four times the vessel length away from the ship. Therefore, on a 60 ft vessel, a tow cable of at least 250 feet is required.
Power Outputs / Freq. Ranges: Passive
Ship’s Requirements
The magnetometer is light enough to be hand deployed by one person
See the multichannel seismic system for a comprehensive description. Also, check out the PCMSC Marine Facility (MarFac) web site for more information about field gear.