Fine-scale Benthic Habitat Mapping
Both ATRIS configurations were deployed in Dry Tortugas National Park (DRTO) to fill information gaps in the spatial coverage of existing habitat maps.
Use of ATRIS in Marine Protected Areas Facilitates Benthic Mapping and Habitat Data Collection
Benthic community composition, topographic relief, areal extent, and temporal stability are critical factors that contribute to the value of a given marine habitat. With the emergence of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) as a priority management tool for protecting coral reef resources, knowledge of these essential habitat components is paramount for designing effective strategies for the management of marine reserves. For many MPAs, detailed information on benthic habitat components is sparse or not available.
To facilitate benthic mapping over large areas, yet still acquire high resolution images, USGS scientists developed the Along-Track Reef Imaging System (ATRIS), which has both deep and shallow configurations. Deep ATRIS is a towed vehicle carrying a high-speed digital camera that is capable of reaching depths of 25 m. Shallow ATRIS is a boat-mounted system that utilizes the same digital camera attached to a movable pole. Both ATRIS configurations were deployed in Dry Tortugas National Park (DRTO) to fill information gaps in the spatial coverage of existing habitat maps.
A secondary effort was to investigate the habitat requirements of threatened and endangered sea turtles within the DRTO. Relatively little is known about the habitat requirements or movements of juvenile sea turtles of any species in their aquatic environment. Similarly, knowledge of the ecology and movements of adult sea turtles using remote U.S beaches, such as those in the Dry Tortugas, is also limited. Fine-scale habitat data collected with ATRIS was integrated with acoustic and satellite telemetry data from tagged green, hawksbill, and loggerhead sea turtles. The merged data sets allow scientists to identify and characterize specific habitats used for foraging, grazing, and transiting into and out of DRTO. This information is critical for developing Federal recovery plans for all three sea turtle species.
Capture-recapture and satellite- and acoustic-tracking techniques are used to determine the amount of time endangered sea turtles spend in and around the various habitats and zones of the Park. Blood and tissue samples are also collected to gain important diet and genetic material, which reveal connections between sea turtles in Dry Tortugas National Park and others sampled previously at various locations throughout south Florida and the Caribbean. Currently, Dry Tortugas loggerheads represent a genetically distinct subpopulation. Individual sea turtles in several life stages are present in the Tortugas, and work is underway to determine whether individuals of the three species are resident year-round or only use the Park periodically.
Below are other science projects associated with this project.
Coral Reef Ecosystem Studies (CREST)
Along-Track Reef Imaging System (ATRIS)
Below are publications associated with this project.
Possible return of Acropora cervicornis at Pulaski Shoal, Dry Tortugas National Park, Florida
Habitat use of breeding green turtles Chelonia mydas tagged in Dry Tortugas National Park: Making use of local and regional MPAs
Home range, habitat use, and migrations of hawksbill turtles tracked from Dry Tortugas National Park, Florida, USA
Inter-nesting habitat-use patterns of loggerhead sea turtles: Enhancing satellite tracking with benthic mapping
Detailed seafloor habitat mapping to enhance marine-resource management
A multiscale analysis of coral reef topographic complexity using lidar-derived bathymetry
A new towed platform for the unobtrusive surveying of benthic habitats and organisms
Tracking sea turtles in the Everglades
Distribution of heavy metals and foraminiferal assemblages in sediments of Biscayne Bay, Florida, USA
Both ATRIS configurations were deployed in Dry Tortugas National Park (DRTO) to fill information gaps in the spatial coverage of existing habitat maps.
Use of ATRIS in Marine Protected Areas Facilitates Benthic Mapping and Habitat Data Collection
Benthic community composition, topographic relief, areal extent, and temporal stability are critical factors that contribute to the value of a given marine habitat. With the emergence of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) as a priority management tool for protecting coral reef resources, knowledge of these essential habitat components is paramount for designing effective strategies for the management of marine reserves. For many MPAs, detailed information on benthic habitat components is sparse or not available.
To facilitate benthic mapping over large areas, yet still acquire high resolution images, USGS scientists developed the Along-Track Reef Imaging System (ATRIS), which has both deep and shallow configurations. Deep ATRIS is a towed vehicle carrying a high-speed digital camera that is capable of reaching depths of 25 m. Shallow ATRIS is a boat-mounted system that utilizes the same digital camera attached to a movable pole. Both ATRIS configurations were deployed in Dry Tortugas National Park (DRTO) to fill information gaps in the spatial coverage of existing habitat maps.
A secondary effort was to investigate the habitat requirements of threatened and endangered sea turtles within the DRTO. Relatively little is known about the habitat requirements or movements of juvenile sea turtles of any species in their aquatic environment. Similarly, knowledge of the ecology and movements of adult sea turtles using remote U.S beaches, such as those in the Dry Tortugas, is also limited. Fine-scale habitat data collected with ATRIS was integrated with acoustic and satellite telemetry data from tagged green, hawksbill, and loggerhead sea turtles. The merged data sets allow scientists to identify and characterize specific habitats used for foraging, grazing, and transiting into and out of DRTO. This information is critical for developing Federal recovery plans for all three sea turtle species.
Capture-recapture and satellite- and acoustic-tracking techniques are used to determine the amount of time endangered sea turtles spend in and around the various habitats and zones of the Park. Blood and tissue samples are also collected to gain important diet and genetic material, which reveal connections between sea turtles in Dry Tortugas National Park and others sampled previously at various locations throughout south Florida and the Caribbean. Currently, Dry Tortugas loggerheads represent a genetically distinct subpopulation. Individual sea turtles in several life stages are present in the Tortugas, and work is underway to determine whether individuals of the three species are resident year-round or only use the Park periodically.
Below are other science projects associated with this project.
Coral Reef Ecosystem Studies (CREST)
Along-Track Reef Imaging System (ATRIS)
Below are publications associated with this project.