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Communications, Publicity, Client Relations, and Educational Outreach

CRC workshop
USGS Core Research Center visitors.

Dissemination of appropriate information about sample and data holdings can be central to effective overall operation and service to clients, and for financial and political support.  

The Alaska Geological Materials Center cites indications that their wide client base (largely extractive industries) follows and relies on their scheduled newsletter publication, which emphasizes the arrival and availability of new sample suites.  The success of this publication style has resulted in its being adopted by a wide range of other agencies in the Alaska state government.  

As a means of improving the quality of written well logs, the Florida Geological Survey has incorporated a large component of “best practices” for record keeping into its educational program of holding licensing classes for well drillers.  They also have programs of open house, Earth Day Presentations, and a Boy Scouts of America merit badge program (earth science).  

The National Science Foundation - Ice Core Facility (NSF-ICF) maintains close relations with collaborators in drill instrument design,  and emphasizes the integration of drilling, core handling and receiving operations, with a view to improvement of ice core sample quality.  

Annually, the NSF-ICF and the co-located USGS Core Research Center (CRC) each host approximately 1,500 visitors participating in tour groups from schools (all levels), professional and museum groups, and the scientifically interested public. NSF-ICF has a high frequency of local, national, and international filming for documentary (e.g., Discover, NOVA) and television news, resulting in wide exposure.  

The NSF-ICF and CRC hire student contractors for both educational contributions to possible career paths and for utilitarian and varied work that is integrated with the ongoing operations of the respective repositories. During the work tenure, work time is to be scheduled to accommodate the continuing class attendance needs of the students.  

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