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CEGIS research in map projections began with problems of commercial projection software in handling raster data projection for global modeling applications. With pixel sizes of 1 km or larger, raster cells cannot be treated as points in the transformations. This work led to the USGS implementing the mapimg projections package for raster data. With application to higher resolution raster data, the

Snyder Bibliography

Snyder Bibliography in Zotero
Snyder Bibliography in WikIndX

Objective: The digitization of John P. Snyder’s Bibliography of Map Projections was initiated as a project by the Center for Excellence in Geospatial Information Sciences (CEGIS) to be a contribution to the International Cartographic Association (ICA) Commission on Map Projections. The intent was to also make it publicly accessible to the larger cartographic community.

History: The project began in May of 2009 and reached a stage of completion one year later when made available online. In addition to the nearly 3,000 items in Snyder’s publication, additional references that add to the body of literature on maps continue to be added. Non-duplicate references from Snyder’s book Flattening the Earth: Two Thousand Years of Map Projections (1993) are among them.

About the Bibliography: The project represents the first time the 2,996 item Snyder bibliography has been placed online as a searchable database. Several previous on-line editions exist, but are without a search capability. Snyder’s work, intended to be the most authoritative of its kind when published in 1988, includes 28 languages. Also, the work has significant historical value. Fifty one references were published before 1800, one a classic work by Ptolemy, circa 150 AD.


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