Digital database of structure contour and isopach maps of multiple subsurface units, Michigan and Illinois Basins, USA
This digital data release presents contour data from multiple subsurface geologic horizons as presented in previously published summaries of the regional subsurface configuration of the Michigan and Illinois Basins. The original maps that served as the source of the digital data within this geodatabase are from the Geological Society of America’s Decade of North American Geology project series, “The Geology of North America” volume D-2, chapter 13 “The Michigan Basin” and chapter 14 “Illinois Basin Region”. Contour maps in the original published chapters were generated from geophysical well logs (generally gamma-ray) and adapted from previously published contour maps. The published contour maps illustrated the distribution sedimentary strata within the Illinois and Michigan Basin in the context of the broad 1st order supercycles of L.L. Sloss including the Sauk, Tippecanoe, Kaskaskia, Absaroka, Zuni, and Tejas supersequences. Because these maps represent time-transgressive surfaces, contours frequently delineate the composite of multiple named sedimentary formations at once. Structure contour maps on the top of the Precambrian basement surface in both the Michigan and Illinois basins illustrate the general structural geometry which undergirds the sedimentary cover. Isopach maps of the Sauk 2 and 3, Tippecanoe 1 and 2, Kaskaskia 1 and 2, Absaroka, and Zuni sequences illustrate the broad distribution of sedimentary units in the Michigan Basin, as do isopach maps of the Sauk, Upper Sauk, Tippecanoe 1 and 2, Lower Kaskaskia 1, Upper Kaskaskia 1-Lower Kaskaskia 2, Kaskaskia 2, and Absaroka supersequences in the Illinois Basins. Isopach contours and structure contours were formatted and attributed as GIS data sets for use in digital form as part of U.S. Geological Survey’s ongoing effort to inventory, catalog, and release subsurface geologic data in geospatial form. This effort is part of a broad directive to develop 2D and 3D geologic information at detailed, national, and continental scales. This data approximates, but does not strictly follow the USGS National Cooperative Geologic Mapping Program's GeMS data structure schema for geologic maps. Structure contour lines and isopach contours for each supersequence are stored within separate “IsoValueLine” feature classes. These are distributed within a geographic information system geodatabase and are also saved as shapefiles. Contour data is provided in both feet and meters to maintain consistency with the original publication and for ease of use. Nonspatial tables define the data sources used, define terms used in the dataset, and describe the geologic units referenced herein. A tabular data dictionary describes the entity and attribute information for all attributes of the geospatial data and accompanying nonspatial tables.
Citation Information
Publication Year | 2023 |
Title | Digital database of structure contour and isopach maps of multiple subsurface units, Michigan and Illinois Basins, USA |
DOI | 10.5066/P9J92672 |
Authors | Leland R Spangler, Donald Sweetkind |
Product Type | Data Release |
Record Source | USGS Digital Object Identifier Catalog |
USGS Organization | Geosciences and Environmental Change Science Center |
Rights | This work is marked with CC0 1.0 Universal |