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Leland R. Spangler

Leland is a Geologist with the U.S. Geological Survey’s Geosciences and Environmental Change Science Center in Denver, Colorado.

Leland’s broad interests include how the spatial and temporal evolution of Earth’s subsurface influences the distribution of natural resources. More specifically, he is interested in synthesizing and interpreting wide varieties of data and field observations into robust subsurface models applicable to characterizing mineral deposits, energy or groundwater reservoirs, and natural hazards. Leland currently works with the National Geologic Synthesis Project developing a 3D subsurface model of the contiguous United States.

Prior to the USGS, Leland worked in a variety of industry roles including geotechnical engineering, hydrocarbon exploration, and Intrusion-Related / Carlin-type gold exploration from Southern Rocky Mountain basins to the Sierra Nevada. In 2019 he received his B.Sc. in Geological Engineering from the Colorado School of Mines, and in 2021 received an M.Sc. in Geological Sciences from the University of Texas at Austin where he was a Research Assistant with the Reservoir Characterization Research Laboratory.

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