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Enhanced Terrain Imagery of the Hagerstown 30 x 60 Minute Quadrangle from Lidar-Derived Elevation Models at 3-Meter Resolution (ver. 1.1, February 2024)

March 9, 2022

This imagery dataset consists of 3-meter resolution, lidar-derived imagery of the Hagerstown 30 x 60 minute quadrangle in Pennsylvania, Maryland, and part of West Virginia. The source data used to construct this imagery consists of 1-meter resolution lidar-derived digital elevation models (DEMs). The lidar source data were compiled from different acquisitions published between 2016 and 2023. The data were processed using geographic information systems (GIS) software. The data is projected in WGS 1984 Web Mercator. This representation illustrates the terrain as a hillshade with contrast adjusted to highlight local relief according to a topographic position index (TPI) calculation.

Publication Year 2022
Title Enhanced Terrain Imagery of the Hagerstown 30 x 60 Minute Quadrangle from Lidar-Derived Elevation Models at 3-Meter Resolution (ver. 1.1, February 2024)
DOI 10.5066/P9WIZV1Z
Authors Rachel L Jackson, Caitlin E Burke, Daniel H Doctor
Product Type Data Release
Record Source USGS Asset Identifier Service (AIS)
USGS Organization Florence Bascom Geoscience Center
Rights This work is marked with CC0 1.0 Universal
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