Environmental DNA (eDNA) and Fish Capture Data from Round Goby Screening Surveys on the Eastern Erie Canal, New York (ver. 2.0, May 2024)
he dataset is composed of four tables containing data collected during screening surveys for invasive Round Goby (Neogobius melanostomus) at 12 sites on the Eastern Erie Canal in New York between Oneida Lake and the Hudson River from 2016 to 2023. The sampling techniques and frequency of sampling were adapted over time to optimize the efficiency of the study effort. From 2016-2019 eDNA water sampling and traditional fish surveys using seining, trapping, and benthic trawling were conducted twice annually (spring and summer) at the 12 sites. From 2020-2022, eDNA water sampling and traditional fish surveys using benthic trawling and electrofishing were conducted twice annually (spring and summer). In 2023, benthic trawling and electrofishing were conducted once (summer). The first table "eDNAData" contains environmental DNA data, the second table "FishCaptureData" contains fish community data from the traditional fish sampling methods, the third table "GobyLWData" contains length and weight measurements for all captured Round Goby beginning in 2020, and the fourth table "SiteData" contains information on the 12 study sites.
First posted November, 2020, ver. 1.0
Revised May 2024, ver. 2.0
Citation Information
Publication Year | 2020 |
Title | Environmental DNA (eDNA) and Fish Capture Data from Round Goby Screening Surveys on the Eastern Erie Canal, New York (ver. 2.0, May 2024) |
DOI | 10.5066/P9W9TMPW |
Authors | Scott D George, Barry P Baldigo, Christopher B. Rees, Meredith L. Bartron, Dylan R Winterhalter, Jason Coombs, Michael J Darling |
Product Type | Data Release |
Record Source | USGS Asset Identifier Service (AIS) |
USGS Organization | New York Water Science Center |
Rights | This work is marked with CC0 1.0 Universal |