Barry P Baldigo
Barry Baldigo has been a Research Biologist with the U.S. Geological Survey since 1990. He leads numerous collaborative studies that aim to improve our understanding of the health of aquatic ecosystems, impacts of environmental contaminants and hydrologic modification, important interrelations, and management options that help mitigate ecological disturbance and sustain valuable natural resources.
Professional Membership:
Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry
American Fisheries Society
New York State Chapter of the American Fisheries Society
Society for Freshwater Science (formerly North American Benthological Society)
Professional Experience
Research Biologist (RGE); U.S. Geological Survey, Troy, NY; 1990-present: Principal investigator for cooperative water programs (with NGOs, and county, regional, and state agencies) evaluating interrelations among restoration, channel stability, habitat, and fish communities; tissue contaminants and toxicity of water and sediments in Areas of Concern across the Great Lakes; basin features, impound
Senior Biologist; Adirondack Lakes Survey Corp, Raybrook, NY; 1988-1990: Field coordinator for the EPA’s Episodic Response Project assessing effects of episodic acidification on water quality, fish survival, and biologic communities in streams of the southwestern Adirondack Mountains, New York.
Senior Scientist; Lockheed Engineering and Sciences Co., Las Vegas, NV; 1984-1988: Lead investigator for several EPA technical-support projects in the Northwest and regional coordinator and instructor for EPA’s NSWS Eastern and Western Lakes-, Eastern Stream-, and Michigan Lakes Biology and Acidification Surveys.
Research Biologist; University of Nevada, Dept. of Biological Sciences, Las Vegas, NV; 1980-1984: Invertebrate taxonomist and technician; helped develop and assess new field guidelines for modifying EPA’s national site-specific water quality criteria (NPDES permitting program) and stream biological assessments.
Education and Certifications
SUNY, College of Environmental Sciences & Forestry M.S. Fisheries Biology, 1982
Utica College of Syracuse University B.S. Biology, 1978
Science and Products
Comprehensive assessment of macroinvertebrate community condition and sediment toxicity in the Eighteenmile Creek Area of Concern, New York, 2021
Contaminant risks in consuming fish from the Area of Concern in the Upper Niagara River
Use of environmental DNA to assess American Eel distribution, abundance, and barriers in a river-canal system
Invasive Round Goby in the Mohawk and Hudson Rivers: What’s the latest?
Assessing impaired benthic communities using sediment toxicity and contaminant concentrations from reference sites inside the Niagara River Area of Concern
Survey of fish communities in tributaries to the Mohawk River, New York, 2019
Condition of macroinvertebrate communities in the Buffalo River Area of Concern following sediment remediation
Condition of resident fish communities in the Eighteenmile Creek Area of Concern, New York
The Biscuit Brook and Neversink Reservoir Watersheds: Long-term investigations of stream chemistry, soil chemistry, and aquatic ecology in the Catskill Mountains, New York, USA, 1983 to 2020
Survey of fish assemblages in the upper Neversink River and upper Rondout Creek, New York, 2017–19
Regional target loads of atmospheric nitrogen and sulfur deposition for the protection of stream and watershed soil resources of the Adirondack Mountains, USA
Considerations of variability and power for long-term monitoring of stream fish assemblages
Non-USGS Publications**
**Disclaimer: The views expressed in Non-USGS publications are those of the author and do not represent the views of the USGS, Department of the Interior, or the U.S. Government.
Documenting Biological Recovery in Acidified Adirondack Streams in Response to the 1990 Amendment to the Clean Air Act
Areas of Concern: New York Statewide Fish Collection - Contaminants in fish from the Buffalo River AOC
Areas of Concern: Niagara River
Eighteenmile Creek Area of Concern Fish Community Assessment
Status of American Eel populations in the Mohawk River Basin
Track down survey of PCBs in three tributaries to the Niagara River Area of Concern (AOC)
Contaminants in fish tissues from AOCs in New York State: The Niagara River AOC
Niagara River AOC-wide Benthos BUI Assessment
Quantitative Fish Surveys of Mohawk River Tributaries
Long-term trends in Rainbow Trout growth and naturalized populations in the Ashokan Basin
Monitoring the Status and Expansion of Round Goby Populations in the Mohawk River/Barge Canal System
Contaminants in fish tissues from AOCs in New York State: The Buffalo River AOC 2-year post remediation
Organic and Metal Contaminants in Forage Fish from the Niagara River and in Lumbriculus sp. Exposed to Buffalo River Sediments, 2020
Macroinvertebrate community and sediment toxicity data from the Eighteenmile Creek Area of Concern, New York, 2021
Environmental DNA and Fish Capture Data from Round Goby Surveys on the Champlain Canal (ver. 12.0, August 2024)
Organic and Metal Contaminants in Fish Tissue Collected from the Niagara River Area of Concern, New York, 2018
Adirondack and Catskill Stream-Fish Survey Dataset (ver. 7.0, December 2023)
Environmental DNA and electrofishing data for American eel in the Mohawk and Hudson River Watersheds (ver. 2.0, January 2023)
Macroinvertebrate community and sediment toxicity data from the Niagara River Area of Concern, New York (ver. 2.0, May 2023)
Data for Assessing the Status of Macroinvertebrate Communities and Sediment Toxicity in the Buffalo River Area of Concern, New York
Data from historic and contemporary fish community surveys in streams of the Adirondack Region
Fish community and substrate data from tributaries to the Mohawk River (ver. 2.0, January 2024)
Environmental DNA (eDNA) and Fish Capture Data from Round Goby Screening Surveys on the Eastern Erie Canal, New York (ver. 2.0, May 2024)
Organic and metal contaminants in fish tissue collected from the Buffalo River Area of Concern, 2017
Science and Products
Comprehensive assessment of macroinvertebrate community condition and sediment toxicity in the Eighteenmile Creek Area of Concern, New York, 2021
Contaminant risks in consuming fish from the Area of Concern in the Upper Niagara River
Use of environmental DNA to assess American Eel distribution, abundance, and barriers in a river-canal system
Invasive Round Goby in the Mohawk and Hudson Rivers: What’s the latest?
Assessing impaired benthic communities using sediment toxicity and contaminant concentrations from reference sites inside the Niagara River Area of Concern
Survey of fish communities in tributaries to the Mohawk River, New York, 2019
Condition of macroinvertebrate communities in the Buffalo River Area of Concern following sediment remediation
Condition of resident fish communities in the Eighteenmile Creek Area of Concern, New York
The Biscuit Brook and Neversink Reservoir Watersheds: Long-term investigations of stream chemistry, soil chemistry, and aquatic ecology in the Catskill Mountains, New York, USA, 1983 to 2020
Survey of fish assemblages in the upper Neversink River and upper Rondout Creek, New York, 2017–19
Regional target loads of atmospheric nitrogen and sulfur deposition for the protection of stream and watershed soil resources of the Adirondack Mountains, USA
Considerations of variability and power for long-term monitoring of stream fish assemblages
Non-USGS Publications**
**Disclaimer: The views expressed in Non-USGS publications are those of the author and do not represent the views of the USGS, Department of the Interior, or the U.S. Government.