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Geochemical Analysis of Bulk Dust and Human Respiratory Cells and Fluids in Research on Deployment-related Lung Injury

December 14, 2023

Multiple techniques including, x-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, laser diffraction particle analysis, and inductively coupled plasma spectrometry, were used to characterize the morphology and composition of dust used for biological studies as well as lung tissue from rats, personnel deployed to Southwest Asia, and control samples. The data presented in this release are organized in the following structure:

Child item 1: Geochemical and Morphological Characterization of Bulk Dust Used in MMP3 and GLIDE Experiments
BulkDustCharacterization Table 1 XRD_final.csv
BulkDustCharacterization Table 2 PSA_final.csv
BulkDustCharacterization Table 3 ICP-OES-MS_final.csv
BulkDustCharacterization Tables 1-2-3 Data Dictionary_final.csv
BulkDustCharacterization contains reports (.docx) of energy dispersive spectra from point analyses of dust from the seven samples and scanning electron images (TIFS) of the dust.


Child item 2: Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry of Nasal Cells and Supernatants from Nasal Brushing and Bronchoalveolar Lavage
NasalBronchoalevelar Table 1 ICP-MS QA-QC Samples.csv
NasalBronchoalevelar Table 2 ICP-MS Samples.csv
NasalBronchoalevelar Tables1-2 ICP-MS Data Dictionary.csv


Child item 3: Scanning Electron Microscopy analysis of particles recovered from rat lung digestates
RatLungDigestates Table 1 Particle Analysis of Rat Lung Digestates.csv
RatLungDigestates Table 2 Rat Lung Digestates.csv
RatLungDigestates Tables 1-2 Particle Analysis of Rat Lung Digestates Data Dictionary.csv


Child Item 4: Scanning Electron Microscopy-E (SEM-EDS) and Inductively Coupled plasma mass spectrometry of particles recovered from deployer and control lung digestates
LungDigestateParticles Table 1 ParticleData.csv
LungDigestateParticles Table 2 SampleSummaries.csv
LungDigestateParticles Table 3 ICPMS H2O2.csv
LungDigestateParticles Table 4 ICPMS Particles.csv
LungDigestateParticles Tables 1-2-3-4 Data Dictionary.csv

Publication Year 2023
Title Geochemical Analysis of Bulk Dust and Human Respiratory Cells and Fluids in Research on Deployment-related Lung Injury
DOI 10.5066/F7KK98W4
Authors Heather A Lowers, Zikri Arslan, William M Benzel, David A Roth, Terry I Plowman, Kate M Campbell-Hay, Brian Wong, Karen Mumy, Greg Downey, Cecile Rose, Lauren Zell-Baran, Brian M Holliday, Hong Wei Chu, Max Seibold, Reena Berman
Product Type Data Release
Record Source USGS Asset Identifier Service (AIS)
USGS Organization Geology, Geophysics, and Geochemistry Science Center
Rights This work is marked with CC0 1.0 Universal
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