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Great Lakes Restoration Initiative's Terrestrial Habitats & Connectivity Work Group's Pilot Area's Post-Fiscal Year 2022 Open Habitat Connectivity

December 13, 2023

This dataset is the third installment of a yearly connectivity update for forested habitat within the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative's (GLRI) Terrestrial Habitats & Connectivity (TH&C) work group's Pilot Area. The Pilot Area is a region of the northern Great Lakes Basin between Ashland, WI and the Keweenaw Peninsula and is bounded by Lake Superior in the north and the basin boundary in the south, including a 70 km buffer. Each year the TH&C selects project proposals for funding within the pilot area. These proposals involve either restoration, research, or land acquisition aimed at improving or increasing forest connectivity in this area. The intended purpose of each year’s update is to understand the effects of funded projects on the ground work and help inform the location and purpose of future projects proposals. These post-fiscal year 2021 and 2022 open habitat connectivity maps serve as a third time step for comparison from each future fiscal year through FY25. To create the post FY22 installment of GLRI's Terrestrial Habitats & Connectivity work group's pilot area yearly connectivity maps, we identified the geospatial locations where restoration work benefitting open habitats was completed throughout FY22. These locations were then assigned the lowest resistance value. Then using the open habitat resistance layer from Great Lakes Restoration Initiative's Terrestrial Habitats and Connectivity Work group's Pilot Area's post-fiscal year 2021 we overwrote the post FY21 resistance values with the resistance values assigned to the FY22 locations where work was done. This analysis produced two connectivity maps: a cumulative current map and a normalized current map. The cumulative current map shows where potential movement pathways between forests are located within the pilot area, while the normalized current map shows where obstructed movement, diffuse movement, and channelized movement occurs within the pilot area. These maps provide important information on how restoration efforts in the pilot area from both FY21 and FY22 are affecting open habitat connectivity.

Publication Year 2023
Title Great Lakes Restoration Initiative's Terrestrial Habitats & Connectivity Work Group's Pilot Area's Post-Fiscal Year 2022 Open Habitat Connectivity
DOI 10.5066/P9T3GH2V
Authors Lindsay E Hunt, Noel B Pavlovic
Product Type Data Release
Record Source USGS Digital Object Identifier Catalog
USGS Organization Great Lakes Science Center
Rights This work is marked with CC0 1.0 Universal
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