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Lindsay E Hunt

Lindsay Hunt is a landscape ecologist with the U.S. Geological Survey, stationed at Lake Michigan Ecological Research Station in Chesterton, IN.

For the past 7 years she has focused her research on terrestrial habitat connectivity for species, communities, and populations across broad landscapes within the Great Lakes Basin. Her research has addressed how climate and land use change may shape future connectivity, as well as where and how to mitigate any of the potential negative effects to maintain healthy and resilient populations into an unknown future. Using novel techniques Lindsay’s work has been utilized to direct more effective restoration work by multiple agencies across the Great Lakes. Lindsay has represented the U.S. Geological Survey as an agency co-lead for the EPA’s Great Lakes Restoration Initiative’s Terrestrial Habitat and Connectivity work group for the last 6 years. In this role, her research has shifted to focus on using comprehensive models for species of particular concern, such as Sharp-tailed Grouse (Tympanuchus phasianellus) and Piping Plover (Charadrius melodus), as umbrella species to better understand habitat connectivity and vulnerability. With this new focus, Lindsay has cultivated and led a small group of stakeholders representing federal agencies, tribes, state biologists, NGO’s, and university researchers to select and create the best species models for these efforts. While working for the U.S. Geological Survey she has also had the opportunity participate in research and discussions surrounding pollinator populations, Oak Savannah restoration, and threatened and endangered species in the Great Lakes. 

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