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HyCReWW database: A hybrid coral reef wave and water level metamodel

May 21, 2018

We developed the HyCReWW metamodel to predict wave run-up under a wide range of coral reef morphometric and offshore forcing characteristics. Due to the complexity and high dimensionality of the problem, we assumed an idealized one-dimensional reef profile, characterized by seven primary parameters. XBeach Non-Hydrostatic was chosen to create the synthetic dataset and Radial Basis Functions implemented in Matlab were chosen for interpolation. Results demonstrate the applicability of the metamodel to obtain fast and accurate results of wave run-up for a large range of intrinsic coral reef morphologic and extrinsic hydrodynamic forcing parameters, offering a useful tool for risk management and early warning systems. These data accompany the following publication: Rueda, A., Cagigal, L., Pearson, S., Antolinez J.A.A., Storlazzi, C., van Dongeren, A., Camus, P., Mendez, F.J., 2019, HyCReWW: A hybrid coral reef waves and water level metamodel: Computers & Geosciences,

Publication Year 2018
Title HyCReWW database: A hybrid coral reef wave and water level metamodel
DOI 10.5066/F7SX6CFQ
Authors A. Rueda, Curt D. Storlazzi, L. Cagigal, Stuart G. Pearson, J.A.A. Antolinez, A. van Dongeren, P. Camus, F.J. Mendez
Product Type Data Release
Record Source USGS Asset Identifier Service (AIS)
USGS Organization Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center
Rights This work is marked with CC0 1.0 Universal
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