Input data, model output, and R scripts for a machine learning streamflow model on the Wyoming Range, Wyoming, 2012-17
September 7, 2021
A machine learning streamflow (MLFLOW) model was developed in R (model is in the Rscripts folder) for modeling monthly streamflow from 2012 to 2017 in three watersheds on the Wyoming Range in the upper Green River basin. Geospatial information for 125 site features (vector data are in the Sites.shp file) and discrete streamflow observation data and environmental predictor data were used in fitting the MLFLOW model and predicting with the fitted model. Tabular calibration and validation data are in the Model_Fitting_Site_Data.csv file, totaling 971 discrete observations and predictions of monthly streamflow. Geospatial information for 17,518 stream grid cells (raster data are in the Streams.tif file) and environmental predictor data were used for continuous streamflow predictions with the MLFLOW model. Tabular prediction data for all the study area (17,518 stream grid cells) and study period (72 months; 2012-17) are in the Model_Prediction_Stream_Data.csv file, totaling 1,261,296 predictions of spatially and temporally continuous monthly streamflow. Additional information about the datasets is in the metadata included in the four zipped dataset files and about the MLFLOW model is in the readme included in the zipped model archive folder.
Citation Information
Publication Year | 2021 |
Title | Input data, model output, and R scripts for a machine learning streamflow model on the Wyoming Range, Wyoming, 2012-17 |
DOI | 10.5066/P9XCP1AE |
Authors | Ryan R McShane, Cheryl E Miller |
Product Type | Data Release |
Record Source | USGS Asset Identifier Service (AIS) |
USGS Organization | Wyoming-Montana Water Science Center - Helena Office |
Rights | This work is marked with CC0 1.0 Universal |
A machine learning approach to modeling streamflow with sparse data in ungaged watersheds on the Wyoming Range, Wyoming, 2012–17
Scant availability of streamflow data can impede the utility of streamflow as a variable in ecological models of aquatic and terrestrial species, especially when studying small streams in watersheds that lack streamgages. Streamflow data at fine resolution and broad extent were needed by collaborators for ecological research on small streams in several ungaged watersheds of southwestern...
Ryan R. McShane, Cheryl A. Eddy-Miller
A machine learning approach to modeling streamflow with sparse data in ungaged watersheds on the Wyoming Range, Wyoming, 2012–17
Scant availability of streamflow data can impede the utility of streamflow as a variable in ecological models of aquatic and terrestrial species, especially when studying small streams in watersheds that lack streamgages. Streamflow data at fine resolution and broad extent were needed by collaborators for ecological research on small streams in several ungaged watersheds of southwestern...
Ryan R. McShane, Cheryl A. Eddy-Miller