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Waterfowl GPS Observations in North America from 2015 to 2023 for Custom Wildlife Report Example for Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge

October 16, 2023

To effectively manage species and habitats at multiple scales, land managers require rapid information on wildlife use of managed areas and responses to landscape conditions and management actions. Global positioning system (GPS) tracking studies of wildlife are particularly informative to species ecology, habitat use, and conservation. Combining GPS data with administrative data, would more comprehensively inform how animals interact with and utilize habitats and ecosystems. Our goal was to create a conceptual model for a system that would accomplish this - the 'Automated Interactive Monitoring System (AIMS) for Wildlife'. Our first objective was to develop a Customized Wildlife Report (CWR) - the first AIMS for Wildlife deliverable product. To do this we compiled an 8-year GPS tracking dataset avifauna. This dataset is intended to be used to recreate the Custom Wildlife Report Example for Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge for 2017.

Software citation:
Lorenz, A.A., Overton, C.T., McDuie, F., and Casazza, M.L., 2023, Custom wildlife report example for Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge 1.0.0.: U.S. Geological Survey software release,

These data support the following publication:
Casazza, M.L., Lorenz, A.A., Overton, C.T., Matchett, E.L., Mott, A.L., Mackell, D.A. and McDuie, F., 2023. AIMS for wildlife: Developing an automated interactive monitoring system to integrate real-time movement and environmental data for true adaptive management. Journal of Environmental Management, 345, p.118636.

Publication Year 2023
Title Waterfowl GPS Observations in North America from 2015 to 2023 for Custom Wildlife Report Example for Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge
DOI 10.5066/P9H1C96N
Authors Austen A Lorenz, Cory T Overton, Fiona P Mcduie, Michael L Casazza
Product Type Data Release
Record Source USGS Asset Identifier Service (AIS)
USGS Organization Western Ecological Research Center - Headquarters
Rights This work is marked with CC0 1.0 Universal
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