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Do all USGS 7.5 minute topographic maps show the UTM grid?

Historical Topographic Map Collection (1884-2006): The USGS policy about putting a full UTM grid on 7.5-minute (1:24,000-scale) topographic maps has changed over time. Beginning in the mid-1950s, the grid was indicated by blue ticks around the map at 1,000-meter spacing. In 1979, the ticks were replaced with a full-line black UTM grid. This decision was reversed in 1992, then reversed again in 1994, but the 7.5-minute topographic program was winding down by this time and relatively few maps were affected. Maps published over National Forests in cooperation with the U.S. Forest Service do not show the full grid regardless of their vintage.

US Topo maps (2010-present): All US Topo maps published after 2009 have a full UTM grid that is implemented in conformance with the U.S. National Grid standard. US Topo maps in the GeoPDF format are layered documents, giving users the option to turn the grid off. 

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Updated Date: April 5, 2022
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