Examples of 7.5-minute, 1:24,000-scale historical USGS topographic map series released between 1884 and 2006.
I found an error on a map. How can I report it and when will you fix it?
There are different answers to this question for different products. In all cases, we must know what product you're addressing. Please read the following guidelines and email error reports to tnm_help@usgs.gov:
US Topo Maps (topographic maps published 2009-present)
Please include the following information:
- The map title, state, and date (from the title block in the lower right corner).
- Description of the error.
- Location of the error.
For location, coordinates are preferred in latitude/longitude, UTM, or USNG. Otherwise include a detailed description of the feature and its location so someone not familiar with the area can find it on the map. A screenshot image would be most helpful.
The US Topo project does not edit data and performs only limited data verification. Data sources include both government and non-government organizations. If errors are determined to be a source-data issue, they will be passed to the data owner. Unless there is a serious error, US Topo maps will not be reissued. The corrected data will be included when the map is remade. US Topo map production is transitioning away from a static 3-year refresh cycle. Areas experiencing significant change since the last published map will be reproduced.
Historical Topographic Maps (topographic maps published before 2007)
USGS maps in the Historical Topographic Map Collection are historical documents and will not be revised or corrected. Historical USGS maps are often used as a base map for commercial map products that make modifications or add enhancements and put a current date on the map. The USGS has no control over those products.
OnDemandTopo Maps
Please include the following information:
- The map title, state, and date (from the title block in the lower right corner).
- Description of the error.
- Location of the error.
For location, coordinates are preferred in latitude/longitude, UTM, or USNG. Otherwise include a detailed description of the feature and its location so someone not familiar with the area can find it on the map. A screenshot image would be most helpful.
OnDemand Topos utilize the best available data from The National Map and no editing is performed prior to on-demand map generation. Data sources include both government and non-government organizations. If errors are determined to be a source-data issue, they will be passed to the data owner. Once corrections are made a new map can be re-requested with the updated data. Corrections take 24 hours to appear on newly requested OnDemand Topos.
Web Maps
Confirm that the application is owned by USGS. Send us the URL of the application and coordinates of the feature in question. If you don't know how to extract coordinates, send a screen-grab image and a description of its location, such as city and state, or direction and distance from a town or highway intersection.
GIS Data
Confirm that the data are from the USGS. Send us the dataset title and date from the metadata file or the download URL. Please provide the coordinates of the feature in question and any relevant feature attribute information. Screenshot images are helpful.
Your map has road/address errors and people can't find my house
How do I report errors in 3D Elevation Program (3DEP) elevation data?
How do I report an error in the Geographic Names Information System database?
How do I find, download, or order topographic maps?
There are multiple copies of the same map in your Historical Topographic Map Collection that all have the same date. Is there a difference between those maps?
Why are some of the historical topographic maps yellowed and why do some have extra stamps or marks?
How can I submit a question or report issues regarding The National Map products and services?

Examples of 7.5-minute, 1:24,000-scale historical USGS topographic map series released between 1884 and 2006.
Before / after image showing transportation features (before image) and structures / orthoimagery features (after image) from a 3/7/19 US Topo map.
Before / after image showing transportation features (before image) and structures / orthoimagery features (after image) from a 3/7/19 US Topo map.
US Topo is the next generation of topographic maps from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). Arranged in the familiar 7.5-minute quadrangle format, digital US Topo maps are designed to look and feel (and perform) like the traditional paper topographic maps for which the USGS is so well known.
US Topo is the next generation of topographic maps from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). Arranged in the familiar 7.5-minute quadrangle format, digital US Topo maps are designed to look and feel (and perform) like the traditional paper topographic maps for which the USGS is so well known.
This Depression-era oil painting was created by USGS field man Hal Shelton in 1940. The painting depicts mapping techniques used in the early days of cartography, including an alidade and stadia rod for determining distances and elevations and a plane-table for sketching contour lines. A USGS benchmark is visible near the top.
This Depression-era oil painting was created by USGS field man Hal Shelton in 1940. The painting depicts mapping techniques used in the early days of cartography, including an alidade and stadia rod for determining distances and elevations and a plane-table for sketching contour lines. A USGS benchmark is visible near the top.
The National Map—New data delivery homepage, advanced viewer, lidar visualization
US Topo Product Standard
Scanning and georeferencing historical USGS quadrangles
US Topo—Topographic maps for the Nation
Standard for the U.S. Geological Survey Historical Topographic Map Collection
Your map has road/address errors and people can't find my house
How do I report errors in 3D Elevation Program (3DEP) elevation data?
How do I report an error in the Geographic Names Information System database?
How do I find, download, or order topographic maps?
There are multiple copies of the same map in your Historical Topographic Map Collection that all have the same date. Is there a difference between those maps?
Why are some of the historical topographic maps yellowed and why do some have extra stamps or marks?
How can I submit a question or report issues regarding The National Map products and services?

Examples of 7.5-minute, 1:24,000-scale historical USGS topographic map series released between 1884 and 2006.
Examples of 7.5-minute, 1:24,000-scale historical USGS topographic map series released between 1884 and 2006.
Before / after image showing transportation features (before image) and structures / orthoimagery features (after image) from a 3/7/19 US Topo map.
Before / after image showing transportation features (before image) and structures / orthoimagery features (after image) from a 3/7/19 US Topo map.
US Topo is the next generation of topographic maps from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). Arranged in the familiar 7.5-minute quadrangle format, digital US Topo maps are designed to look and feel (and perform) like the traditional paper topographic maps for which the USGS is so well known.
US Topo is the next generation of topographic maps from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). Arranged in the familiar 7.5-minute quadrangle format, digital US Topo maps are designed to look and feel (and perform) like the traditional paper topographic maps for which the USGS is so well known.
This Depression-era oil painting was created by USGS field man Hal Shelton in 1940. The painting depicts mapping techniques used in the early days of cartography, including an alidade and stadia rod for determining distances and elevations and a plane-table for sketching contour lines. A USGS benchmark is visible near the top.
This Depression-era oil painting was created by USGS field man Hal Shelton in 1940. The painting depicts mapping techniques used in the early days of cartography, including an alidade and stadia rod for determining distances and elevations and a plane-table for sketching contour lines. A USGS benchmark is visible near the top.