Browse software on the USGS website that has a connection to the Community for Data Integration.
RUSH: Rapid Remote Sensing Updates of landcover for Storm and Hurricane forecasts (Version 1.0.0)
MTH5: an archivable and exchangeable HDF5 format for magnetotelluric data
MT-metadata: Open-source Python package to work with magnetotelluric metadata
sbtools: USGS ScienceBase Tools
GIS Clipping and Summarization Toolbox
Flow-Conditioned Parameter Grid Tools
The Flow-Conditioned Parameter Grid (FCPG) Tools are a Python 3 library to make FCPGs for either two-digit Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC2) regions, four-digit Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC4) regions, or other geospatial tiling schemes. These tools can be used in a Linux-based high performance computing (HPC) environment or locally on your system.
Software to Process and Preserve Legacy Magnetotelluric Data
Metadata Wizard
The MetadataWizard is a useful tool designed to facilitate FGDC metadata creation for spatial and non-spatial data sets.
Dam Removal Information Portal (DRIP)
The Dam Removal Information Portal (DRIP) is an online representation and visualization tool for the USGS Dam Removal Science Database, and provides a map-based visualization of information of dam removals and associated scientific studies.