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April 16, 2024

GLSC researchers present results of multi-year investigation into Phragmites control method.

Researcher standing waist-deep in water next to Phragmites australis on a cloudy day in Metzger Marsh

Wes Bickford and Kaira Liggett (GLSC, Ann Arbor, MI) presented recent findings from research at a public webinar hosted by the Great Lakes Phragmites Collaborative on April 16. Their presentation, “Multi-year cut-to-drown management of Phragmites populations can control flooded patches,” was open to the public. They described work funded by the USGS/US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) Science Support Partnership program testing the efficacy of cut-to-drown management of Phragmites as a viable control option. The work was led by Wes Bickford with co-investigators Kurt Kowalski (GLSC, Ann Arbor) and Michelle Vander Haar (USFWS).

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