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The Nevada Water Science Center (NVWSC) is committed to providing reliable, unbiased scientific information about Nevada's water resources to the public. Access our data products below.

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MODFLOW 6 models for assimilating remote sensing evapotranspiration in ensemble-based framework to enhance cascade routing and re-infiltration concept in integrated hydrological models applied to support decision making

This data release contains MODFLOW 6 integrated hydrological model (IHM) that helps characterize the groundwater/surface-water interaction within the Sardon Catchment of western Spain. The model was used to quantify and reduce the overall model uncertainty to improve its reliability as a Decision Support Modeling (DSM) tool by improving the conceptualization and simulation of the overland flow pro

Data for the report Properties of Basin-Fill Deposits, a 1971–2000 Water Budget, and Surface-Water-Groundwater Interactions in the Upper Humboldt River Basin, Northeastern Nevada

This USGS data release represents the data from the following 2013 publication: Plume, R.W., and Smith, J.L., 2013, Properties of basin-fill deposits, a 1971–2000 water budget, and surface-water-groundwater interactions in the upper Humboldt River basin, northeastern Nevada: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2013-5077,

MODFLOW-NWT Model Used to Evaluate Stream Capture Related to Groundwater Pumping, Lower Humboldt River Basin, Nevada (ver. 1.1, March 2024)

A three-dimensional groundwater flow model using MODFLOW-NWT was developed to evaluate historical and potential stream capture in the lower Humboldt River Basin, Nevada. The Humboldt River Basin is the only river basin that is contained entirely within the state of Nevada. The effect of groundwater pumping on the Humboldt River is not well understood. Tools are needed to determine stream capture a

Geospatial data for the report Groundwater Discharge by Evapotranspiration from the Amargosa Wild and Scenic River and Contributing Areas, Inyo and San Bernardino Counties, California

This data release supports U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2023-5106, Groundwater Discharge by Evapotranspiration from the Amargosa Wild and Scenic River and Contributing Areas, Inyo and San Bernardino Counties, California. Geospatial datasets presented are two polygon shapefiles representing the groundwater discharge areas and evapotranspiration units for the Amargosa Wild

MODFLOW 6 proof-of-concept groundwater model for the Mekong River Basin between Phnom Penh, Cambodia and Cao Lanh, Vietnam

A proof-of-concept MODFLOW 6 groundwater model was developed to represent the bedrock, delta, and alluvially-deposited aquifers underlying the Mekong River Basin approximately between Phnom Penh, Cambodia and Cao Lanh, Vietnam. The model was constructed using square grid cells measuring 2,200 meters on each side. The proof-of-concept groundwater model was used to simulate environmental baseline co

Bibliography of hydrological and ecological research in the Great Basin terminal lakes, USA

This database contains literature citations and associated abstracts pertaining to the ecology and hydrology of terminal lakes in the Great Basin region of the western United States. This is not meant to be an exhaustive list, nor did we perform a systematic meta-analysis; rather, literature records were included based on topical relevance.

Daily average soil moisture and ancillary data from the Noah land surface model in the National Land Data Assimilation version 2 extracted for GAGES-II watersheds, 1980 to 2020

This U.S Geological Survey data release contains soil moisture, actual evapotranspiration, precipitation, and potential evapotranspiration by watershed for the United States from 1980 to 2020. Hourly values from NASA's North American Land Data Assimilation System Phase 2 (NLDAS-2) Noah model were aggregated to daily values and extracted by Geospatial Attributes of Gages for Evaluating Streamflow,

Water-surface and groundwater-level elevations on and near Offutt Air Force Base, Nebraska, summer 2020 and spring 2021

This data set contains two sets of measured water-level data collected on and near Offutt Air Force Base near Bellevue, Nebraska. Surface-water and groundwater-level data were collected for two synoptic water-level surveys completed in late summer of 2020 and in spring 2021. The elevations of surface-water features were surveyed with a rover receiver using a real-time network (RTN), where the rove

Geospatial data, flood-frequency analysis, and surface-water model archive for flood-inundation maps of the Muddy River, near Moapa, Nevada

This U.S. Geological Survey data release consists multiple datasets used to simulate the extents of flood inundation along the Muddy River, near Moapa, Nevada. Flood-inundation extents equal the maximum area of flood inundation and were estimated using a coupled one-dimensional (1D) and two-dimensional (2D) hydraulic model. The modeled extents represent six annual exceedance probabilities simulate

MODFLOW-NWT and MT3D-USGS models for appraising parameter sensitivity and other controlling factors in a synthetic watershed accounting for variably-saturated flow processes

A 3-dimensional (3D) synthetic model, using MODFLOW-NWT and MT3D-USGS, explores the new unsaturated zone heat transport capabilities in MT3D-USGS. Model simulations were used to explore various parameter sensitivities and unsaturated zone thicknesses and their impact on heat transport as water enters the subsurface as infiltration, flows through the unsaturated zone to the water table, and eventua

MODFLOW-NWT, MT3D-USGS, and VS2DH models of 6 hypothetical 1-dimensional variably saturated systems to demonstrate the accuracy of new heat transport capabilities in MT3D-USGS

Six hypothetical 1-dimensional models are used to verify and demonstrate new unsaturated-zone heat transport functionality added to MT3D-USGS (version 1.1.0). Because the governing equations describing groundwater solute transport and heat transport have a similar form, MT3D-USGS may be applied to heat transport problems. Published examples of MT3DMS, from which MT3D-USGS is derived, as a heat tra

MODFLOW-NWT and MT3D-USGS models for evaluating heat flows, lags and dampening under high emission climate forcing for unsaturated/saturated transport in a synthetic watershed

A 3-dimensional (3D) synthetic model, built for running with MODFLOW-NWT and MT3D-USGS, explores the new unsaturated zone heat transport capabilities in MT3D-USGS. Model simulations explore potential responses to within a watershed to climate warming along system pathways. The response analysis uses output from a 30-year warming period on a synthetic watershed patterned after a humid temperate cli
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