U.S. Geological Survey Mill River at Northampton, Massachusetts streamgage (01171500) on October 11, 2022 looking downstream. The low-flow was about 12 cubic feet per second (cfs) for a 56.2-square-mile drainage area.
Regional Regression Equations for Estimating Selected Low-flow Statistics at Ungaged Stream Sites in Massachusetts
The U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the Massachusetts Department of Recreation and Conservation, Office of Water Resources, began a study in 2019 to update the regional regression equations for estimating selected low-flow statistics at ungaged sites in Massachusetts.

Low-flow statistics are crucial for water-resources planning, management and permitting because they inform water-resources decisions. Decision-makers must ensure that there is adequate streamflow to meet various objectives, such as water supply, agriculture, water-quality standards, recreation and aquatic habitat protection.
Regional regression equations for estimating selected low-flow statistics in Massachusetts were last published by Ries and Friesz (2000) based on data through 1995 and are currently available on the web-based application USGS StreamStats. Additionally, there are no regional regression equations for southeastern and Cape Cod, Massachusetts. Updated low-flow equations would benefit from additional streamflow data and improvements in geographic information system (GIS) data and in streamflow statistical analysis methods.
This low-flow study will provide updated regional regression equations for estimating low-flow statistics in Massachusetts using data through 2022. The low-flow equations developed will be for the:
- 50- to 99-percent flow duration (these are also being done for southeastern Massachusetts and Cape Cod)
- monthly 50- and 90-percent flow duration for June to September
- median of the monthly mean for February, June, and August
- 7Q2, 7Q10, 30Q2, and 30Q10
- harmonic mean and median of the annual 7-day low flow
USGS will also explore the development of low-flow equations for southeastern and Cape Cod, Massachusetts, and equations for selected statistics will be developed, if feasible. The study began in July 2019 and will end in June 2024 with a report to be published by December 2024.
The study objectives are to:
- Provide updated estimates of selected streamflow statistics and updated basin, land-use and climatic characteristics for the selected streamgages in, and near, Massachusetts.
- Provide updated regional regression equations for estimating selected low-flow statistics at ungaged sites in Massachusetts.
- Investigate methods for estimating selected streamflow statistics at ungaged sites in southeastern and Cape Cod, Massachusetts.
- Evaluate potential long-term trends in the annual average 7-day low-flow for selected streamgages in, and near, Massachusetts.

U.S. Geological Survey Mill River at Northampton, Massachusetts streamgage (01171500) on October 11, 2022 looking downstream. The low-flow was about 12 cubic feet per second (cfs) for a 56.2-square-mile drainage area.
A downstream view of the Green River near Colrain, Massachusetts close to the USGS streamgage (01170100). The low-flow was about 7.7 cubic feet per second (cfs) for a 41.4-square-mile drainage area.
A downstream view of the Green River near Colrain, Massachusetts close to the USGS streamgage (01170100). The low-flow was about 7.7 cubic feet per second (cfs) for a 41.4-square-mile drainage area.
The U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the Massachusetts Department of Recreation and Conservation, Office of Water Resources, began a study in 2019 to update the regional regression equations for estimating selected low-flow statistics at ungaged sites in Massachusetts.

Low-flow statistics are crucial for water-resources planning, management and permitting because they inform water-resources decisions. Decision-makers must ensure that there is adequate streamflow to meet various objectives, such as water supply, agriculture, water-quality standards, recreation and aquatic habitat protection.
Regional regression equations for estimating selected low-flow statistics in Massachusetts were last published by Ries and Friesz (2000) based on data through 1995 and are currently available on the web-based application USGS StreamStats. Additionally, there are no regional regression equations for southeastern and Cape Cod, Massachusetts. Updated low-flow equations would benefit from additional streamflow data and improvements in geographic information system (GIS) data and in streamflow statistical analysis methods.
This low-flow study will provide updated regional regression equations for estimating low-flow statistics in Massachusetts using data through 2022. The low-flow equations developed will be for the:
- 50- to 99-percent flow duration (these are also being done for southeastern Massachusetts and Cape Cod)
- monthly 50- and 90-percent flow duration for June to September
- median of the monthly mean for February, June, and August
- 7Q2, 7Q10, 30Q2, and 30Q10
- harmonic mean and median of the annual 7-day low flow
USGS will also explore the development of low-flow equations for southeastern and Cape Cod, Massachusetts, and equations for selected statistics will be developed, if feasible. The study began in July 2019 and will end in June 2024 with a report to be published by December 2024.
The study objectives are to:
- Provide updated estimates of selected streamflow statistics and updated basin, land-use and climatic characteristics for the selected streamgages in, and near, Massachusetts.
- Provide updated regional regression equations for estimating selected low-flow statistics at ungaged sites in Massachusetts.
- Investigate methods for estimating selected streamflow statistics at ungaged sites in southeastern and Cape Cod, Massachusetts.
- Evaluate potential long-term trends in the annual average 7-day low-flow for selected streamgages in, and near, Massachusetts.

U.S. Geological Survey Mill River at Northampton, Massachusetts streamgage (01171500) on October 11, 2022 looking downstream. The low-flow was about 12 cubic feet per second (cfs) for a 56.2-square-mile drainage area.
U.S. Geological Survey Mill River at Northampton, Massachusetts streamgage (01171500) on October 11, 2022 looking downstream. The low-flow was about 12 cubic feet per second (cfs) for a 56.2-square-mile drainage area.
A downstream view of the Green River near Colrain, Massachusetts close to the USGS streamgage (01170100). The low-flow was about 7.7 cubic feet per second (cfs) for a 41.4-square-mile drainage area.
A downstream view of the Green River near Colrain, Massachusetts close to the USGS streamgage (01170100). The low-flow was about 7.7 cubic feet per second (cfs) for a 41.4-square-mile drainage area.