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Dataset for 2013 Creek Fire Research Points, Pre- and Post-Fire Data

March 13, 2018

The practice of fire suppression across the western United States over the past century has led to dense forests, and when coupled with drought has contributed to an increase in large and destructive wildfires. Forest management efforts aimed at reducing flammable fuels through various fuel treatments can help to restore frequent fire regimes and increase forest resilience. Our research examines how different fuel treatments influenced burn severity and post-fire vegetative stand dynamics on the San Carlos Apache Reservation, in east-central Arizona, U.S.A. Our methods included the use of multitemporal remote sensing data and cloud computing to evaluate burn severity and post-fire vegetation conditions as well as statistical analyses. We investigated how forest thinning, commercial harvesting, prescribed burning, and resource benefit burning (managed wildfire) related to satellite measured burn severity (the difference Normalized Burn Ratio dNBR) following the 2013 Creek Fire and used spectral measures of post-fire stand dynamics to track changes in land surface characteristics (i.e., brightness, greenness and wetness). This dataset includes all of the attribute information for each point, including if the location of the point intersects a treatment type or combination of treatments as well as a KML file showing the location of each point.

Publication Year 2018
Title Dataset for 2013 Creek Fire Research Points, Pre- and Post-Fire Data
DOI 10.5066/F7Z31WW4
Authors Roy E Petrakis
Product Type Data Release
Record Source USGS Asset Identifier Service (AIS)
USGS Organization Western Geographic Science Center - Main Office
Rights This work is marked with CC0 1.0 Universal
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