Simulated 1km resolution 1971-2015 ecosystem carbon variables from the IBIS model (2017/09/12)
September 14, 2018
This simulated ecosystem carbon dataset is derived from simulations of the parallel Integrated Biosphere simulator (pIBIS). Annual carbon variables cover 1971-2015 at 1-km (960m) spatial resolution with 3052 rows and 4823 columns. Carbon stock and flux units are in kgC/m2 and kgC/m2/yr, respectively. Data are in NetCDF format and Albers equal area projection. Overall data creation steps: 1. The pIBIS model was used to run simulations using climate, vegetation, soil and disturbance input data; 2. Model outputs were converted to NetCDF format; 3. 1971-2015 subsets were clipped from original 1901-2015 simulation outputs. Variable List: aynbp - annual net biome productivity ayneetot - net ecosystem productivity aynpptot - net primary productivity cdisturb - carbon removals not detected from remote sensing, such as thinning logging - annual carbon removals from logging stddown - forest standing and down dead wood totceco - total ecosystem carbon totcsoi -- total organic soil carbon totlit - total litter carbon vegcomb - annual carbon loss due to direct vegetation combustion NoData Value: -3.40282346639e+038
Citation Information
Publication Year | 2018 |
Title | Simulated 1km resolution 1971-2015 ecosystem carbon variables from the IBIS model (2017/09/12) |
DOI | 10.5066/P9CQPG86 |
Authors | Jinxun Liu, Benjamin M Sleeter |
Product Type | Data Release |
Record Source | USGS Asset Identifier Service (AIS) |
USGS Organization | Western Geographic Science Center - Main Office |
Rights | This work is marked with CC0 1.0 Universal |