Alaska surveying crew circa 1924 using alidade and plane table; transportation by dogsled. USGS photo files.
When was the 1:24,000-scale topographic map series for the United States and its territories completed?
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) was created in 1879 and published it’s first topographic map in 1882. Systematic topographic mapping was authorized by Congress in 1884.
Although 1:24,000-scale topographic maps were produced by the USGS as early as 1904, a formal program to provide primary topographic map coverage at that scale for the entire conterminous United States did not begin until 1947.
More than 55,000 maps later, the USGS completed 1:24,000-scale coverage of the contiguous U.S. in 1992 (revisions were made until 2006). Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and Trust Territories were completed earlier and were mapped at other scales. All of these maps are included in the Historical Topographic Map Collection.
Download free digital versions of historical USGS topographic maps (as well as more current US Topo maps) or order paper maps from the online USGS Store.
Learn more:
- History of the Topographic Branch
- A 125 year history of topographic mapping and GIS in the USGS (part 1: 1884-1980) | (part 2: 1980-2009)
How do I find, download, or order topographic maps?
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) has been the primary civilian mapping agency of the United States since 1879. Some of the most well-known USGS maps are the 1:24,000-scale topographic maps, also called 7.5-minute quadrangles. In 2009, the USGS transitioned from our hand scribed historical topographic maps to US Topos, which are computer-generated on a regular schedule using national databases...
Where can I find indexes of USGS topographic maps?
View map indexes on these interactive maps (you must zoom in to see the index lines and map names) : Map Locator on the USGS Store - Click the icon on the left that looks like two pieces of paper and select “1:24,000” for our standard map series. TopoView - Click on any of the round map scale indicators on the right side of the map. The National Map Viewer - Click on the Layer List icon at the top...
Can I still get the older topographic maps?
Yes. Topographic maps originally published as paper documents between 1884-2006 have been scanned and published as the USGS Historical Topographic Map Collection. Download our historical topographic maps and our more current US Topo maps (published 2009-present) free of charge using TopoView (GeoPDF, GeoTIFF, JPEG, and KMZ formats) or using the USGS Store’s Map Locator (GeoPDF format). Order paper...
What is a topographic map?
The distinctive characteristic of a topographic map is the use of elevation contour lines to show the shape of the Earth's surface. Elevation contours are imaginary lines connecting points having the same elevation on the surface of the land above or below a reference surface, which is usually mean sea level. Contours make it possible to show the height and shape of mountains, the depths of the...
There are multiple copies of the same map in your Historical Topographic Map Collection that all have the same date. Is there a difference between those maps?
Two or more historical topographic maps with the same date typically result from revisions and reprints. The differences are often minor. The date used to identify a map is in the lower right corner. If there are multiple editions with the same compilation date, look for additional dates in the lower right portion of the map collar that might differentiate them: Date on Map -- The year of base...
How do US Topo maps differ from historical USGS topographic maps?
Historically, USGS topographic maps were made using data from primary sources including direct field observations. Those maps were compiled, drawn, and edited by hand. By today's standards, those traditional methods are very expensive and time-consuming, and the USGS no longer has funding to make maps that way. A new USGS topographic map series was launched in 2009 and branded " US Topo." Though...
How current are US Topo maps?
US Topo maps are updated on a three-year production cycle (maps covering one third of the country are updated each year). The US Topo production schedule follows the U.S. Department of Agriculture's National Agricultural Imagery Program (NAIP) collection schedule. This does not include US Topos for Alaska, which are on a different schedule. The linework features shown on the maps are generated...
I found an error on a map. How can I report it and when will you fix it?
There are different answers to this question for different products. In all cases, we must know what product you're addressing. Please read the following guidelines and email error reports to : US Topo Maps (topographic maps published 2009-present) Please include the following information: The map title, state, and date (from the title block in the lower right corner)...
What is a GeoPDF®?
A GeoPDF is a georeferenced PDF file, meaning that it is a Portable Document Format (PDF) file with added information that relates the image to coordinates on a map. GeoPDF files can be used as plain PDF files but have the added capability of some limited mapping functions (turn any map layers on and off, obtain XY coordinates for a location, measure length, and more). The USGS currently produces...
Alaska surveying crew circa 1924 using alidade and plane table; transportation by dogsled. USGS photo files.
US Topo is the next generation of topographic maps from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). Arranged in the familiar 7.5-minute quadrangle format, digital US Topo maps are designed to look and feel (and perform) like the traditional paper topographic maps for which the USGS is so well known.
US Topo is the next generation of topographic maps from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). Arranged in the familiar 7.5-minute quadrangle format, digital US Topo maps are designed to look and feel (and perform) like the traditional paper topographic maps for which the USGS is so well known.
USGS topographer with plane table and alidade in the Alabama Hills near Mt. Whitney, California.
USGS topographer with plane table and alidade in the Alabama Hills near Mt. Whitney, California.
USGS topographer Russ Curtis using a Wild N3 level.
USGS topographer Russ Curtis using a Wild N3 level.
A mounted topographic field party poses while working on the Dos Cabezas quadrangle in Arizona. 1940-1941. The quadrangle was surveyed by D.H. Rutledge, W.E. Burton, and G.K. Jensen, so it is likely that most or all of them are in this photo.
A mounted topographic field party poses while working on the Dos Cabezas quadrangle in Arizona. 1940-1941. The quadrangle was surveyed by D.H. Rutledge, W.E. Burton, and G.K. Jensen, so it is likely that most or all of them are in this photo.
A topographic field party crossing a snowdrift at the head of Grand Creek above their camp near Moose Lake while mapping the Mt. Constance quadrangle in the Olympic Mountains of Washington.
A topographic field party crossing a snowdrift at the head of Grand Creek above their camp near Moose Lake while mapping the Mt. Constance quadrangle in the Olympic Mountains of Washington.
Topographer George Stanley Druhot working with a tripod, planetable, and alidade at Kahekili Leap, on the island of Oahu. His two companions are Malcolm Springer and Tai Hai Lau
Topographer George Stanley Druhot working with a tripod, planetable, and alidade at Kahekili Leap, on the island of Oahu. His two companions are Malcolm Springer and Tai Hai Lau
Topographer George Stanley Druhot running a level line on oil-shale cliffs north of the Colorado River. The level line was one mile long and climbed 2,000 feet over talus slopes.
Topographer George Stanley Druhot running a level line on oil-shale cliffs north of the Colorado River. The level line was one mile long and climbed 2,000 feet over talus slopes.
USGS topographic field party, circa 1925, with a Wye level on a tripod and two stadia rods.
USGS topographic field party, circa 1925, with a Wye level on a tripod and two stadia rods.
Scanning and georeferencing historical USGS quadrangles
History of the topographic branch (division)
Maps for America: cartographic products of the U.S. Geological Survey and others
Topographic instructions of the United States Geological Survey. Introduction
Topographic instructions of the United States Geological Survey
How do I find, download, or order topographic maps?
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) has been the primary civilian mapping agency of the United States since 1879. Some of the most well-known USGS maps are the 1:24,000-scale topographic maps, also called 7.5-minute quadrangles. In 2009, the USGS transitioned from our hand scribed historical topographic maps to US Topos, which are computer-generated on a regular schedule using national databases...
Where can I find indexes of USGS topographic maps?
View map indexes on these interactive maps (you must zoom in to see the index lines and map names) : Map Locator on the USGS Store - Click the icon on the left that looks like two pieces of paper and select “1:24,000” for our standard map series. TopoView - Click on any of the round map scale indicators on the right side of the map. The National Map Viewer - Click on the Layer List icon at the top...
Can I still get the older topographic maps?
Yes. Topographic maps originally published as paper documents between 1884-2006 have been scanned and published as the USGS Historical Topographic Map Collection. Download our historical topographic maps and our more current US Topo maps (published 2009-present) free of charge using TopoView (GeoPDF, GeoTIFF, JPEG, and KMZ formats) or using the USGS Store’s Map Locator (GeoPDF format). Order paper...
What is a topographic map?
The distinctive characteristic of a topographic map is the use of elevation contour lines to show the shape of the Earth's surface. Elevation contours are imaginary lines connecting points having the same elevation on the surface of the land above or below a reference surface, which is usually mean sea level. Contours make it possible to show the height and shape of mountains, the depths of the...
There are multiple copies of the same map in your Historical Topographic Map Collection that all have the same date. Is there a difference between those maps?
Two or more historical topographic maps with the same date typically result from revisions and reprints. The differences are often minor. The date used to identify a map is in the lower right corner. If there are multiple editions with the same compilation date, look for additional dates in the lower right portion of the map collar that might differentiate them: Date on Map -- The year of base...
How do US Topo maps differ from historical USGS topographic maps?
Historically, USGS topographic maps were made using data from primary sources including direct field observations. Those maps were compiled, drawn, and edited by hand. By today's standards, those traditional methods are very expensive and time-consuming, and the USGS no longer has funding to make maps that way. A new USGS topographic map series was launched in 2009 and branded " US Topo." Though...
How current are US Topo maps?
US Topo maps are updated on a three-year production cycle (maps covering one third of the country are updated each year). The US Topo production schedule follows the U.S. Department of Agriculture's National Agricultural Imagery Program (NAIP) collection schedule. This does not include US Topos for Alaska, which are on a different schedule. The linework features shown on the maps are generated...
I found an error on a map. How can I report it and when will you fix it?
There are different answers to this question for different products. In all cases, we must know what product you're addressing. Please read the following guidelines and email error reports to : US Topo Maps (topographic maps published 2009-present) Please include the following information: The map title, state, and date (from the title block in the lower right corner)...
What is a GeoPDF®?
A GeoPDF is a georeferenced PDF file, meaning that it is a Portable Document Format (PDF) file with added information that relates the image to coordinates on a map. GeoPDF files can be used as plain PDF files but have the added capability of some limited mapping functions (turn any map layers on and off, obtain XY coordinates for a location, measure length, and more). The USGS currently produces...
Alaska surveying crew circa 1924 using alidade and plane table; transportation by dogsled. USGS photo files.
Alaska surveying crew circa 1924 using alidade and plane table; transportation by dogsled. USGS photo files.
US Topo is the next generation of topographic maps from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). Arranged in the familiar 7.5-minute quadrangle format, digital US Topo maps are designed to look and feel (and perform) like the traditional paper topographic maps for which the USGS is so well known.
US Topo is the next generation of topographic maps from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). Arranged in the familiar 7.5-minute quadrangle format, digital US Topo maps are designed to look and feel (and perform) like the traditional paper topographic maps for which the USGS is so well known.
USGS topographer with plane table and alidade in the Alabama Hills near Mt. Whitney, California.
USGS topographer with plane table and alidade in the Alabama Hills near Mt. Whitney, California.
USGS topographer Russ Curtis using a Wild N3 level.
USGS topographer Russ Curtis using a Wild N3 level.
A mounted topographic field party poses while working on the Dos Cabezas quadrangle in Arizona. 1940-1941. The quadrangle was surveyed by D.H. Rutledge, W.E. Burton, and G.K. Jensen, so it is likely that most or all of them are in this photo.
A mounted topographic field party poses while working on the Dos Cabezas quadrangle in Arizona. 1940-1941. The quadrangle was surveyed by D.H. Rutledge, W.E. Burton, and G.K. Jensen, so it is likely that most or all of them are in this photo.
A topographic field party crossing a snowdrift at the head of Grand Creek above their camp near Moose Lake while mapping the Mt. Constance quadrangle in the Olympic Mountains of Washington.
A topographic field party crossing a snowdrift at the head of Grand Creek above their camp near Moose Lake while mapping the Mt. Constance quadrangle in the Olympic Mountains of Washington.
Topographer George Stanley Druhot working with a tripod, planetable, and alidade at Kahekili Leap, on the island of Oahu. His two companions are Malcolm Springer and Tai Hai Lau
Topographer George Stanley Druhot working with a tripod, planetable, and alidade at Kahekili Leap, on the island of Oahu. His two companions are Malcolm Springer and Tai Hai Lau
Topographer George Stanley Druhot running a level line on oil-shale cliffs north of the Colorado River. The level line was one mile long and climbed 2,000 feet over talus slopes.
Topographer George Stanley Druhot running a level line on oil-shale cliffs north of the Colorado River. The level line was one mile long and climbed 2,000 feet over talus slopes.
USGS topographic field party, circa 1925, with a Wye level on a tripod and two stadia rods.
USGS topographic field party, circa 1925, with a Wye level on a tripod and two stadia rods.