USGS scientist Steve Box takes an oriented sample of folded, crenulated, and metamorphosed banded siltite, exposed in the Blacktail pit of the Blackbird cobalt-copper mine, in the Salmon River Mountains of east-central Idaho.
Art Bookstrom, PhD
Art is a Scientist Emeritus at GMEG Science Center in Spokane, WA. Art's experience is in mining, minerals exploration, and research on the geology of mineral deposits. Work experience includes minerals exploration, geology of mineral deposits, and estimation of mineral resources.
Professional Experience
2011-present, Emeritus Volunteer, GMEG Science Center, Spokane, WA
1992-2011 Research Geologist
Education and Certifications
Ph.D. Geology, Stanford Univ., 1975
M.S. Geology, Univ. Colorado,1964
B.A., Geology, Dartmouth College, 1961
Affiliations and Memberships*
1989-1992, USGS Saudi Arabian Mission
1983-1986, Noranda Exploration
1976-1983 Climax Molybdenum Co.
Currently working with Idaho Geological Survey
1996 to 2004 US EPA
Science and Products
Tectono-magmatic evolution of porphyry belts in the central Tethys region of Turkey, the Caucasus, Iran, western Pakistan, and southern Afghanistan
Cobalt—Styles of deposits and the search for primary deposits
Re-Os systematics and geochemistry of cobaltite (CoAsS) in the Idaho cobalt belt, Belt-Purcell Basin, USA: Evidence for middle Mesoproterozoic sediment-hosted Co-Cu sulfide mineralization with Grenvillian and Cretaceous remobilization
Geologic history of the Blackbird Co-Cu district in the Lemhi subbasin of the Belt-Purcell Basin
Relationship between porphyry systems, crustal preservation levels, and amount of exploration in magmatic belts of the Central Tethys Region
Porphyry copper assessment of the Tethys region of western and southern Asia: Chapter V in Global mineral resource assessment
Porphyry copper assessment of northeast Asia: Far East Russia and northeasternmost China: Chapter W in Global mineral resource assessment
Porphyry copper assessment of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt and eastern Tethysides: China, Mongolia, Russia, Pakistan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, and India: Chapter X in Global mineral resource assessment
Porphyry copper assessment of East and Southeast Asia: Philippines, Taiwan (Republic of China), Republic of Korea (South Korea), and Japan
Sandstone copper assessment of the Teniz Basin, Kazakhstan
Porphyry copper assessment of eastern Australia
Tectono-magmatic evolution and distribution of porphyry Cu systems in the Central Tethys Region of Turkey, the Caucasus, Iran, and southern Pakistan
GIS and Data Tables for Focus Areas for Potential Domestic Nonfuel Sources of Rare Earth Elements
USGS scientist Steve Box takes an oriented sample of folded, crenulated, and metamorphosed banded siltite, exposed in the Blacktail pit of the Blackbird cobalt-copper mine, in the Salmon River Mountains of east-central Idaho.
USGS scientist Tom Frost measures the distance across the transition from garnet-bearing rocks, upslope from the end of the tape, to garnet-free rocks below it, as exposed on the northeast wall of the Blacktail pit of the Blackbird cobalt-copper mine, in the Salmon River Mountains of east-central Idaho.
USGS scientist Tom Frost measures the distance across the transition from garnet-bearing rocks, upslope from the end of the tape, to garnet-free rocks below it, as exposed on the northeast wall of the Blacktail pit of the Blackbird cobalt-copper mine, in the Salmon River Mountains of east-central Idaho.
USGS scientist Tom Frost stands on the northeast rim of the Blacktail pit of the Blackbird cobalt-copper mine, in the Salmon River Mountains of east-central Idaho.
USGS scientist Tom Frost stands on the northeast rim of the Blacktail pit of the Blackbird cobalt-copper mine, in the Salmon River Mountains of east-central Idaho.
USGS scientist Art Bookstrom photographs copper-stained banded siltite, exposed in the Blacktail pit of the Blackbird cobalt-copper mine, Salmon River Mountains, east-central Idaho.
USGS scientist Art Bookstrom photographs copper-stained banded siltite, exposed in the Blacktail pit of the Blackbird cobalt-copper mine, Salmon River Mountains, east-central Idaho.
USGS scientist Art Bookstrom uses a hand-lens to search for sulfide minerals in oxidized copper-cobalt-bearing siltite of the banded siltite unit of the Apple Creek Formation, exposed in the Blacktail pit of the Blackbird cobalt-copper mine, Salmon River Mountains, east-central Idaho.
USGS scientist Art Bookstrom uses a hand-lens to search for sulfide minerals in oxidized copper-cobalt-bearing siltite of the banded siltite unit of the Apple Creek Formation, exposed in the Blacktail pit of the Blackbird cobalt-copper mine, Salmon River Mountains, east-central Idaho.
USGS scientist John Slack holds his hammer to a biotitic mafic dike, intruded into twice-folded banded siltite, exposed in the Hawkeye adit of the Blackbird cobalt-copper mine, in the Salmon River Mountains of east-central Idaho. Biotite is a type of mica, and mafic refers to a high magnesium and iron content.
USGS scientist John Slack holds his hammer to a biotitic mafic dike, intruded into twice-folded banded siltite, exposed in the Hawkeye adit of the Blackbird cobalt-copper mine, in the Salmon River Mountains of east-central Idaho. Biotite is a type of mica, and mafic refers to a high magnesium and iron content.
USGS scientist Art Bookstrom looks at puzzling sedimentary structures in metasedimentary rocks of the Apple Creek Formation, near the Jackass prospect, near Iron Creek, in the southeastern part of the Idaho cobalt belt, in east-central Idaho.
USGS scientist Art Bookstrom looks at puzzling sedimentary structures in metasedimentary rocks of the Apple Creek Formation, near the Jackass prospect, near Iron Creek, in the southeastern part of the Idaho cobalt belt, in east-central Idaho.
USGS scientist Art Bookstrom looks at greenish copper stain and pale pink cobalt bloom on limonite-stained meta-siltite and meta-argillite at the No Name prospect, near Iron Creek, in the southeastern part of the Idaho cobalt belt, in east-central Idaho.
USGS scientist Art Bookstrom looks at greenish copper stain and pale pink cobalt bloom on limonite-stained meta-siltite and meta-argillite at the No Name prospect, near Iron Creek, in the southeastern part of the Idaho cobalt belt, in east-central Idaho.
USGS scientist Art Bookstrom hammers on limonite-stained breccia, cutting banded siltite of the Apple Creek Formation, exposed near the Uncle Sam portal of the Blackbird cobalt-copper mine, in the Salmon River Mountains of east-central Idaho.
USGS scientist Art Bookstrom hammers on limonite-stained breccia, cutting banded siltite of the Apple Creek Formation, exposed near the Uncle Sam portal of the Blackbird cobalt-copper mine, in the Salmon River Mountains of east-central Idaho.
USGS scientist Art Bookstrom maps and samples a gossan, developed on tightly folded, mineralized, metamorphosed, and weathered banded siltite, exposed on the southwest rim of the Blacktail pit of the Blackbird cobalt-copper mine, in the Salmon River Mountains of east-central Idaho. The gossan is overlain by unconsolidated colluvial debris.
USGS scientist Art Bookstrom maps and samples a gossan, developed on tightly folded, mineralized, metamorphosed, and weathered banded siltite, exposed on the southwest rim of the Blacktail pit of the Blackbird cobalt-copper mine, in the Salmon River Mountains of east-central Idaho. The gossan is overlain by unconsolidated colluvial debris.
Cross-bedded sandstone of the Gunsight Formation of the Mesoproterozoic Lemhi Group. These beds are interpreted as products of alluvial sedimentation in a deltaic setting.
Cross-bedded sandstone of the Gunsight Formation of the Mesoproterozoic Lemhi Group. These beds are interpreted as products of alluvial sedimentation in a deltaic setting.
A thick lens of biotite-rich rock, interlayered with thick beds of cross-bedded meta-sandstone + scapolite of the Gunsight Formation of the Lemhi Group in the Lemhi sub-basin of the Mesoproterozoic Belt Basin. The biotite-rich rock is exposed in a prospect pit above the Sweet Repose mine adit.
A thick lens of biotite-rich rock, interlayered with thick beds of cross-bedded meta-sandstone + scapolite of the Gunsight Formation of the Lemhi Group in the Lemhi sub-basin of the Mesoproterozoic Belt Basin. The biotite-rich rock is exposed in a prospect pit above the Sweet Repose mine adit.
Quartz vein in biotite-rich rock in the Gunsight Formation of the Mesoproterozoic Lemhi Group. Bluish green copper-bearing minerals coat the quartz vein. Pale pinkish cobalt bloom and white caliche coat adjacent biotite-rich wallrock.
Quartz vein in biotite-rich rock in the Gunsight Formation of the Mesoproterozoic Lemhi Group. Bluish green copper-bearing minerals coat the quartz vein. Pale pinkish cobalt bloom and white caliche coat adjacent biotite-rich wallrock.
Outcrop of biotitic meta-sandstone in the lower part of the Gunsight Formation, cut by white quartz veins with alteration envelopes of coarsely crystalline black biotite and minor muscovite. USGS intern, Shane Kostka prepares to collect representative samples from this outcrop.
Outcrop of biotitic meta-sandstone in the lower part of the Gunsight Formation, cut by white quartz veins with alteration envelopes of coarsely crystalline black biotite and minor muscovite. USGS intern, Shane Kostka prepares to collect representative samples from this outcrop.
Small-scale syncline in siltite of banded siltite unit of Apple Creek Formation, within a zone of tight, north-plunging chevron folds, exposed on the south-facing slope above the upper part of Little Deer Creek, east of the Blackbird cobalt-copper mine area, in east-central Idaho.
Small-scale syncline in siltite of banded siltite unit of Apple Creek Formation, within a zone of tight, north-plunging chevron folds, exposed on the south-facing slope above the upper part of Little Deer Creek, east of the Blackbird cobalt-copper mine area, in east-central Idaho.
Outcrop of the banded siltite unit of the Apple Creek Formation of the Lemhi Group, in the Lemhi sub-basin of the Mesoproterozoic Belt Basin. This exposure is along the Deep Creek road, southeast of the Blackbird cobalt-copper mine area, in the Salmon River Mountains of east-central Idaho.
Outcrop of the banded siltite unit of the Apple Creek Formation of the Lemhi Group, in the Lemhi sub-basin of the Mesoproterozoic Belt Basin. This exposure is along the Deep Creek road, southeast of the Blackbird cobalt-copper mine area, in the Salmon River Mountains of east-central Idaho.
Outcrop of the banded siltite unit of the Apple Creek Formation, east of the Slippery Gulch fault, and south of the Blackbird cobalt-copper mine area, in the Salmon River Mountains of east-central Idaho.
Outcrop of the banded siltite unit of the Apple Creek Formation, east of the Slippery Gulch fault, and south of the Blackbird cobalt-copper mine area, in the Salmon River Mountains of east-central Idaho.
Limonite-stained outcrop of the banded siltite unit of the Apple Creek Formation, near Blackbird Creek, south of the Blackbird cobalt-copper mine area, in the Salmon River Mountains of east-central Idaho.
Limonite-stained outcrop of the banded siltite unit of the Apple Creek Formation, near Blackbird Creek, south of the Blackbird cobalt-copper mine area, in the Salmon River Mountains of east-central Idaho.
Mylonitic breccia in alluvium of Little Deer Creek, downstream from a moderately west-dipping contact between biotitic quartzite of the Gunsight Formation, which is structurally overlain by garnet-chloritoid-bearing banded siltite of the banded siltite unit of the Apple Creek Formation.
Mylonitic breccia in alluvium of Little Deer Creek, downstream from a moderately west-dipping contact between biotitic quartzite of the Gunsight Formation, which is structurally overlain by garnet-chloritoid-bearing banded siltite of the banded siltite unit of the Apple Creek Formation.
Blocks of biotitic meta-sandstone from the lower part of the Gunsight Formation, and drill core from the underlying banded siltite unit of the Apple Creek Formation, lying on the dump of the lower workings of the Copper Queen mine, southeast of the Blackbird cobalt-copper mine area.
Blocks of biotitic meta-sandstone from the lower part of the Gunsight Formation, and drill core from the underlying banded siltite unit of the Apple Creek Formation, lying on the dump of the lower workings of the Copper Queen mine, southeast of the Blackbird cobalt-copper mine area.
Science and Products
Tectono-magmatic evolution of porphyry belts in the central Tethys region of Turkey, the Caucasus, Iran, western Pakistan, and southern Afghanistan
Cobalt—Styles of deposits and the search for primary deposits
Re-Os systematics and geochemistry of cobaltite (CoAsS) in the Idaho cobalt belt, Belt-Purcell Basin, USA: Evidence for middle Mesoproterozoic sediment-hosted Co-Cu sulfide mineralization with Grenvillian and Cretaceous remobilization
Geologic history of the Blackbird Co-Cu district in the Lemhi subbasin of the Belt-Purcell Basin
Relationship between porphyry systems, crustal preservation levels, and amount of exploration in magmatic belts of the Central Tethys Region
Porphyry copper assessment of the Tethys region of western and southern Asia: Chapter V in Global mineral resource assessment
Porphyry copper assessment of northeast Asia: Far East Russia and northeasternmost China: Chapter W in Global mineral resource assessment
Porphyry copper assessment of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt and eastern Tethysides: China, Mongolia, Russia, Pakistan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, and India: Chapter X in Global mineral resource assessment
Porphyry copper assessment of East and Southeast Asia: Philippines, Taiwan (Republic of China), Republic of Korea (South Korea), and Japan
Sandstone copper assessment of the Teniz Basin, Kazakhstan
Porphyry copper assessment of eastern Australia
Tectono-magmatic evolution and distribution of porphyry Cu systems in the Central Tethys Region of Turkey, the Caucasus, Iran, and southern Pakistan
GIS and Data Tables for Focus Areas for Potential Domestic Nonfuel Sources of Rare Earth Elements
USGS scientist Steve Box takes an oriented sample of folded, crenulated, and metamorphosed banded siltite, exposed in the Blacktail pit of the Blackbird cobalt-copper mine, in the Salmon River Mountains of east-central Idaho.
USGS scientist Steve Box takes an oriented sample of folded, crenulated, and metamorphosed banded siltite, exposed in the Blacktail pit of the Blackbird cobalt-copper mine, in the Salmon River Mountains of east-central Idaho.
USGS scientist Tom Frost measures the distance across the transition from garnet-bearing rocks, upslope from the end of the tape, to garnet-free rocks below it, as exposed on the northeast wall of the Blacktail pit of the Blackbird cobalt-copper mine, in the Salmon River Mountains of east-central Idaho.
USGS scientist Tom Frost measures the distance across the transition from garnet-bearing rocks, upslope from the end of the tape, to garnet-free rocks below it, as exposed on the northeast wall of the Blacktail pit of the Blackbird cobalt-copper mine, in the Salmon River Mountains of east-central Idaho.
USGS scientist Tom Frost stands on the northeast rim of the Blacktail pit of the Blackbird cobalt-copper mine, in the Salmon River Mountains of east-central Idaho.
USGS scientist Tom Frost stands on the northeast rim of the Blacktail pit of the Blackbird cobalt-copper mine, in the Salmon River Mountains of east-central Idaho.
USGS scientist Art Bookstrom photographs copper-stained banded siltite, exposed in the Blacktail pit of the Blackbird cobalt-copper mine, Salmon River Mountains, east-central Idaho.
USGS scientist Art Bookstrom photographs copper-stained banded siltite, exposed in the Blacktail pit of the Blackbird cobalt-copper mine, Salmon River Mountains, east-central Idaho.
USGS scientist Art Bookstrom uses a hand-lens to search for sulfide minerals in oxidized copper-cobalt-bearing siltite of the banded siltite unit of the Apple Creek Formation, exposed in the Blacktail pit of the Blackbird cobalt-copper mine, Salmon River Mountains, east-central Idaho.
USGS scientist Art Bookstrom uses a hand-lens to search for sulfide minerals in oxidized copper-cobalt-bearing siltite of the banded siltite unit of the Apple Creek Formation, exposed in the Blacktail pit of the Blackbird cobalt-copper mine, Salmon River Mountains, east-central Idaho.
USGS scientist John Slack holds his hammer to a biotitic mafic dike, intruded into twice-folded banded siltite, exposed in the Hawkeye adit of the Blackbird cobalt-copper mine, in the Salmon River Mountains of east-central Idaho. Biotite is a type of mica, and mafic refers to a high magnesium and iron content.
USGS scientist John Slack holds his hammer to a biotitic mafic dike, intruded into twice-folded banded siltite, exposed in the Hawkeye adit of the Blackbird cobalt-copper mine, in the Salmon River Mountains of east-central Idaho. Biotite is a type of mica, and mafic refers to a high magnesium and iron content.
USGS scientist Art Bookstrom looks at puzzling sedimentary structures in metasedimentary rocks of the Apple Creek Formation, near the Jackass prospect, near Iron Creek, in the southeastern part of the Idaho cobalt belt, in east-central Idaho.
USGS scientist Art Bookstrom looks at puzzling sedimentary structures in metasedimentary rocks of the Apple Creek Formation, near the Jackass prospect, near Iron Creek, in the southeastern part of the Idaho cobalt belt, in east-central Idaho.
USGS scientist Art Bookstrom looks at greenish copper stain and pale pink cobalt bloom on limonite-stained meta-siltite and meta-argillite at the No Name prospect, near Iron Creek, in the southeastern part of the Idaho cobalt belt, in east-central Idaho.
USGS scientist Art Bookstrom looks at greenish copper stain and pale pink cobalt bloom on limonite-stained meta-siltite and meta-argillite at the No Name prospect, near Iron Creek, in the southeastern part of the Idaho cobalt belt, in east-central Idaho.
USGS scientist Art Bookstrom hammers on limonite-stained breccia, cutting banded siltite of the Apple Creek Formation, exposed near the Uncle Sam portal of the Blackbird cobalt-copper mine, in the Salmon River Mountains of east-central Idaho.
USGS scientist Art Bookstrom hammers on limonite-stained breccia, cutting banded siltite of the Apple Creek Formation, exposed near the Uncle Sam portal of the Blackbird cobalt-copper mine, in the Salmon River Mountains of east-central Idaho.
USGS scientist Art Bookstrom maps and samples a gossan, developed on tightly folded, mineralized, metamorphosed, and weathered banded siltite, exposed on the southwest rim of the Blacktail pit of the Blackbird cobalt-copper mine, in the Salmon River Mountains of east-central Idaho. The gossan is overlain by unconsolidated colluvial debris.
USGS scientist Art Bookstrom maps and samples a gossan, developed on tightly folded, mineralized, metamorphosed, and weathered banded siltite, exposed on the southwest rim of the Blacktail pit of the Blackbird cobalt-copper mine, in the Salmon River Mountains of east-central Idaho. The gossan is overlain by unconsolidated colluvial debris.
Cross-bedded sandstone of the Gunsight Formation of the Mesoproterozoic Lemhi Group. These beds are interpreted as products of alluvial sedimentation in a deltaic setting.
Cross-bedded sandstone of the Gunsight Formation of the Mesoproterozoic Lemhi Group. These beds are interpreted as products of alluvial sedimentation in a deltaic setting.
A thick lens of biotite-rich rock, interlayered with thick beds of cross-bedded meta-sandstone + scapolite of the Gunsight Formation of the Lemhi Group in the Lemhi sub-basin of the Mesoproterozoic Belt Basin. The biotite-rich rock is exposed in a prospect pit above the Sweet Repose mine adit.
A thick lens of biotite-rich rock, interlayered with thick beds of cross-bedded meta-sandstone + scapolite of the Gunsight Formation of the Lemhi Group in the Lemhi sub-basin of the Mesoproterozoic Belt Basin. The biotite-rich rock is exposed in a prospect pit above the Sweet Repose mine adit.
Quartz vein in biotite-rich rock in the Gunsight Formation of the Mesoproterozoic Lemhi Group. Bluish green copper-bearing minerals coat the quartz vein. Pale pinkish cobalt bloom and white caliche coat adjacent biotite-rich wallrock.
Quartz vein in biotite-rich rock in the Gunsight Formation of the Mesoproterozoic Lemhi Group. Bluish green copper-bearing minerals coat the quartz vein. Pale pinkish cobalt bloom and white caliche coat adjacent biotite-rich wallrock.
Outcrop of biotitic meta-sandstone in the lower part of the Gunsight Formation, cut by white quartz veins with alteration envelopes of coarsely crystalline black biotite and minor muscovite. USGS intern, Shane Kostka prepares to collect representative samples from this outcrop.
Outcrop of biotitic meta-sandstone in the lower part of the Gunsight Formation, cut by white quartz veins with alteration envelopes of coarsely crystalline black biotite and minor muscovite. USGS intern, Shane Kostka prepares to collect representative samples from this outcrop.
Small-scale syncline in siltite of banded siltite unit of Apple Creek Formation, within a zone of tight, north-plunging chevron folds, exposed on the south-facing slope above the upper part of Little Deer Creek, east of the Blackbird cobalt-copper mine area, in east-central Idaho.
Small-scale syncline in siltite of banded siltite unit of Apple Creek Formation, within a zone of tight, north-plunging chevron folds, exposed on the south-facing slope above the upper part of Little Deer Creek, east of the Blackbird cobalt-copper mine area, in east-central Idaho.
Outcrop of the banded siltite unit of the Apple Creek Formation of the Lemhi Group, in the Lemhi sub-basin of the Mesoproterozoic Belt Basin. This exposure is along the Deep Creek road, southeast of the Blackbird cobalt-copper mine area, in the Salmon River Mountains of east-central Idaho.
Outcrop of the banded siltite unit of the Apple Creek Formation of the Lemhi Group, in the Lemhi sub-basin of the Mesoproterozoic Belt Basin. This exposure is along the Deep Creek road, southeast of the Blackbird cobalt-copper mine area, in the Salmon River Mountains of east-central Idaho.
Outcrop of the banded siltite unit of the Apple Creek Formation, east of the Slippery Gulch fault, and south of the Blackbird cobalt-copper mine area, in the Salmon River Mountains of east-central Idaho.
Outcrop of the banded siltite unit of the Apple Creek Formation, east of the Slippery Gulch fault, and south of the Blackbird cobalt-copper mine area, in the Salmon River Mountains of east-central Idaho.
Limonite-stained outcrop of the banded siltite unit of the Apple Creek Formation, near Blackbird Creek, south of the Blackbird cobalt-copper mine area, in the Salmon River Mountains of east-central Idaho.
Limonite-stained outcrop of the banded siltite unit of the Apple Creek Formation, near Blackbird Creek, south of the Blackbird cobalt-copper mine area, in the Salmon River Mountains of east-central Idaho.
Mylonitic breccia in alluvium of Little Deer Creek, downstream from a moderately west-dipping contact between biotitic quartzite of the Gunsight Formation, which is structurally overlain by garnet-chloritoid-bearing banded siltite of the banded siltite unit of the Apple Creek Formation.
Mylonitic breccia in alluvium of Little Deer Creek, downstream from a moderately west-dipping contact between biotitic quartzite of the Gunsight Formation, which is structurally overlain by garnet-chloritoid-bearing banded siltite of the banded siltite unit of the Apple Creek Formation.
Blocks of biotitic meta-sandstone from the lower part of the Gunsight Formation, and drill core from the underlying banded siltite unit of the Apple Creek Formation, lying on the dump of the lower workings of the Copper Queen mine, southeast of the Blackbird cobalt-copper mine area.
Blocks of biotitic meta-sandstone from the lower part of the Gunsight Formation, and drill core from the underlying banded siltite unit of the Apple Creek Formation, lying on the dump of the lower workings of the Copper Queen mine, southeast of the Blackbird cobalt-copper mine area.
*Disclaimer: Listing outside positions with professional scientific organizations on this Staff Profile are for informational purposes only and do not constitute an endorsement of those professional scientific organizations or their activities by the USGS, Department of the Interior, or U.S. Government