Gregg A Swayze, Ph.D.
Gregg Swayze is a Scientist Emeritus in Denver. Gregg received a Doctorate in Geology from the University of Colorado in 1997. Since joining the USGS in 1985, Gregg has devoted his career to studying Remote Sensing and specializes in Imaging Spectroscopy. Presently, his science focuses on environmental and mineral exploration applications of imaging spectroscopy.
Research Interests
Over the years, Gregg has developed methods to spectrally map acid-mine drainage in Leadville, Colorado, naturally-occurring asbestos in the foothills of California, insulation asbestos in the World Trade Center dust, and oil emulsions formed during the 2010 BP oil spill. He has also developed a portable spectral fingerprinting technique to identify asbestos-bearing vermiculite in attic insulation. Gregg has used his imaging spectroscopy experience with relict hydrothermal systems in Nevada and Hawaii to help map similar mineral deposits on the surface of Mars with the NASA CRISM orbital spectrometer. His most recent focus is on spectrally mapping REE-bearing minerals at the Mt. Pass Mine in California. He was recently selected as a Co-Investigator of the NASA/JPL Earth Surface Mineral Dust Source Investigation (EMIT) team with the goal of putting an imaging spectrometer on the International Space Station to map the mineralogy of dust source regions on a global basis.
Professional Experience
1985 to present, U.S. Geological Survey, Denver, Colorado
Education and Certifications
Ph.D. degree/Geology, University of Colorado, 1997
M.S. degree/Geology, Colorado School of Mines, 1985
B.S. degree/Geology, Grand Valley State University, 1982
Affiliations and Memberships*
American Geophysical Union
Geological Society of America
Colorado Scientific Society
Society of Economic Geologists
Science and Products
Spectroscopy and Hyperspectral Imaging of Critical Mineral Resources
Using In Situ IR Spectroscopy Measurements of Vermiculite Insulation to Determine Its Origin
Spectroscopy and Principles of Spectroscopy
USGS High Resolution Spectral Library
Environmental Studies of the World Trade Center Area After the September 11, 2001 Attack
Reflectance spectra collected August 21, 2022, at Black Rock Desert, Nevada, with an ASD FieldSpecⓇ 4 Hi-Res NG spectroradiometer for calibration/validation of imaging spectrometer data
Reflectance spectra collected August 16, 2022, at Smith Creek Valley, Nevada, with an ASD FieldSpecⓇ 4 Hi-Res NG spectrometer for calibration/validation of imaging spectrometer data
Geochemical data for carbonatite samples from the Mountain Pass rare earth element deposit, southeast California
Spectroscopy of Expanded Vermiculite Products and Insulation
USGS Spectral Library Version 7 Data
Mineral Mapping of the Battle Mountain District, Nevada, USA, Using AVIRIS-Classic and SpecTIR Inc. AisaFENIX 1K Imaging Spectrometer Datasets
Quantifying uncertainty for remote spectroscopy of surface composition
Classification of oil spill by thicknesses using multiple remote sensors
Imaging spectroscopy for the detection, assessment and monitoring of natural and anthropogenic hazards
Isotopic ratios of Saturn's rings and satellites: Implications for the origin of water and Phoebe
Spatial spectroscopic models for remote exploration
Characterizing the source of potentially asbestos-bearing commercial vermiculite insulation using in situ IR spectroscopy
Spectral properties of anhydrous carbonates and nitrates
USGS Spectral Library Version 7
Discovery of alunite in Cross crater, Terra Sirenum, Mars: Evidence for acidic, sulfurous waters
Oil slick morphology derived from AVIRIS measurements of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill: Implications for spatial resolution requirements of remote sensors
Natural and unnatural oil slicks in the Gulf of Mexico
USGS Digital Spectral Library
Science and Products
Spectroscopy and Hyperspectral Imaging of Critical Mineral Resources
Using In Situ IR Spectroscopy Measurements of Vermiculite Insulation to Determine Its Origin
Spectroscopy and Principles of Spectroscopy
USGS High Resolution Spectral Library
Environmental Studies of the World Trade Center Area After the September 11, 2001 Attack
Reflectance spectra collected August 21, 2022, at Black Rock Desert, Nevada, with an ASD FieldSpecⓇ 4 Hi-Res NG spectroradiometer for calibration/validation of imaging spectrometer data
Reflectance spectra collected August 16, 2022, at Smith Creek Valley, Nevada, with an ASD FieldSpecⓇ 4 Hi-Res NG spectrometer for calibration/validation of imaging spectrometer data
Geochemical data for carbonatite samples from the Mountain Pass rare earth element deposit, southeast California
Spectroscopy of Expanded Vermiculite Products and Insulation
USGS Spectral Library Version 7 Data
Mineral Mapping of the Battle Mountain District, Nevada, USA, Using AVIRIS-Classic and SpecTIR Inc. AisaFENIX 1K Imaging Spectrometer Datasets
Quantifying uncertainty for remote spectroscopy of surface composition
Classification of oil spill by thicknesses using multiple remote sensors
Imaging spectroscopy for the detection, assessment and monitoring of natural and anthropogenic hazards
Isotopic ratios of Saturn's rings and satellites: Implications for the origin of water and Phoebe
Spatial spectroscopic models for remote exploration
Characterizing the source of potentially asbestos-bearing commercial vermiculite insulation using in situ IR spectroscopy
Spectral properties of anhydrous carbonates and nitrates
USGS Spectral Library Version 7
Discovery of alunite in Cross crater, Terra Sirenum, Mars: Evidence for acidic, sulfurous waters
Oil slick morphology derived from AVIRIS measurements of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill: Implications for spatial resolution requirements of remote sensors
Natural and unnatural oil slicks in the Gulf of Mexico
USGS Digital Spectral Library
*Disclaimer: Listing outside positions with professional scientific organizations on this Staff Profile are for informational purposes only and do not constitute an endorsement of those professional scientific organizations or their activities by the USGS, Department of the Interior, or U.S. Government