Data related to Lassen Volcanic Center.
California volcano locations, threat rank and hazard zones
The California volcano locations, threat rank and hazard zones data release contains two shapefiles for download or use as a web map service. The California Volcanic Center Locations shapefile was created to provide a generalized location of volcano hazard sources. The California Volcano Hazard Zones shapefile was created from previously published hazard zone reports. Specific details...
Hazard zone boundaries for the volcano hazards assessment for the Lassen region, Northern California
This report evaluates the volcano-related hazards, including regional mafic lava flows, silicic lava domes, pyroclastic flows, lahars, and volcanic ash, of the Lassen region, California, which is here defined as an area between the Pit River on the north and the southern limit of active Cascade volcanism, approximately 5-10 km south of the southern boundary of Lassen Volcanic National...
Geochemical and Geochronological Data for Hydrothermal Systems on Brokeoff Volcano and in the Maidu Volcanic Center, Lassen Peak area, northeastern California
This dataset contains 8 data tables provided in csv format that contain sample location data, whole-rock geochemical data, argon-argon geochronologic data, sulfur, oxygen, and hydrogen isotope data, and mineralogical data from shortwave infrared spectrography (SWIR) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) analyses collected from igneous rocks on Brokeoff and Maidu volcanoes, northeastern California...
Database for the Geologic Map of the Lassen Peak, Chaos Crags, and Upper Hat Creek Area, California
This is a database of the geologic map of the Lassen Peak, Chaos Crags, and Upper Hat Creek volcanic area as described in the original abstract: The Lassen Peak, Chaos Crags, and Upper Hat Creek map area lies near the southern end of the Cascade Range in northern California. The map area includes parts of the three elements that together form the Lassen volcanic center: the Lassen...