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The Bird Banding Laboratory (BBL) is an integrated scientific program established in 1920 supporting the collection, archiving, management and dissemination of information from banded and marked birds in North America.  This information is used to monitor the status and trends of resident and migratory bird populations. 

Bird Banding at Patuxent Research Refuge

The USGS Bird Banding Lab (BBL), not only supplies bands and manages the banding data on a national level, but also has a bird banding station of its very own. The fall migration monitoring station has a long history at the Patuxent Research Refuge. Since 1979, a small area has been utilized as a mist net site and banding station in a unique habitat under the power lines.


Bird Banding at Patuxent Research Refuge

The USGS Bird Banding Lab (BBL), not only supplies bands and manages the banding data on a national level, but also has a bird banding station of its very own. The fall migration monitoring station has a long history at the Patuxent Research Refuge. Since 1979, a small area has been utilized as a mist net site and banding station in a unique habitat under the power lines.

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Bird Banding Laboratory: What we do

The Bird Banding Laboratory (BBL) is an integrated scientific program established in 1920 supporting the collection, archiving, management and dissemination of information from banded and marked birds in North America.  This information is used to monitor the status and trends of resident and migratory bird populations. 


Bird Banding Laboratory: What we do

The Bird Banding Laboratory (BBL) is an integrated scientific program established in 1920 supporting the collection, archiving, management and dissemination of information from banded and marked birds in North America.  This information is used to monitor the status and trends of resident and migratory bird populations. 

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Bird Banding Laboratory History

The U.S. Bird Banding Laboratory (BBL) has had a long and rich his­tory beginning with its founding in 1920 by the visionary Frederick C. Lincoln.


Bird Banding Laboratory History

The U.S. Bird Banding Laboratory (BBL) has had a long and rich his­tory beginning with its founding in 1920 by the visionary Frederick C. Lincoln.

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