Snake River Fall Chinook Salmon Research
Juvenile Snake River fall Chinook salmon
Snake River fall Chinook salmon were listed as “threatened” under the Endangered Species Act in 1992. At that time, little was known about the spawning, rearing, migration, and life history of this species. This long-term research and monitoring project has produced much of the contemporary knowledge on fall Chinook salmon that has been used by fish managers to implement recovery measures. The population has responded positively to these measures but will likely remain a conservation-reliant species.
Snake River fall Chinook salmon mainly spawn and rear in Hells Canyon on the Snake River and in the Clearwater River basin. They are unique in that they complete the freshwater portion of their life cycle in main-stem habitats unlike other salmonids that use smaller tributaries. Initial work on this project focused on understanding the spawning and rearing requirements of these fish in main-stem habitats as well as identifying important spawning and rearing sites. Because fish must pass eight dams enroute to the ocean as juveniles and as returning adults, much research was later directed at determining appropriate spawning and migration flows. Research increased our understanding of the relationships between downstream movement behavior and water velocity, turbulence, and fish physiology that in turn helped explain life history diversity in this species.
Other research explored the growth differences between fish rearing in riverine and reservoir habitats that shed light on the food web that supports juvenile salmon. Growth is higher in the Snake River than in Lower Granite Reservoir—the first reservoir juvenile fish encounter during their seaward migration—that is due to differences the prey community between the two systems. We documented recent changes to the food webs in lower Snake River reservoirs that included describing the ecology of nonnative Siberian prawns, opossum shrimp, and resurgence of the endemic sand roller. Each of these species influences juvenile fall Chinook salmon either directly or indirectly.
Recent research has focused on estimating the loss of juvenile fall Chinook salmon to smallmouth bass predation in the Snake River. Smallmouth bass are very abundant and are effective predators of juvenile salmon. We showed that bass consumption rate of juvenile fall Chinook salmon has increased 15-fold since the mid-1990s when the last predation study was conducted. This is largely due to increased numbers of juvenile salmon available as prey that has resulted from both increases in natural production and hatchery releases. Interestingly, bass abundance has not changed appreciably through time. Efforts are currently underway to develop a method to distinguish the origin (e.g., hatchery or natural) of juvenile salmon consumed by bass to determine if one prey is more vulnerable than the other.
A list of cooperator publications related to this study can be found here.
Publications associated with this project.
Juvenile Chinook Salmon mortality in a Snake River Reservoir: Smallmouth Bass predation revisited
Migratory behavior and physiological development as potential determinants of life history diversity in fall Chinook Salmon in the Clearwater River
Ecology of the Sand Roller (Percopsis transmontana) in a lower Snake River Reservoir, Washington
Ecology of nonnative Siberian prawn (Palaemon modestus) in the lower Snake River, Washington, USA
Feeding ecology of non-native Siberian prawns, Palaemon modestus (Heller, 1862) (Decapoda, Palaemonidae), in the lower Snake River, Washington, U.S.A.
Survival, growth, and tag retention in age-0 Chinook Salmon implanted with 8-, 9-, and 12-mm PIT tags
Assessing juvenile salmon rearing habitat and associated predation risk in a lower Snake River reservoir
Prey availability, consumption, and quality contribute to variation in growth of subyearling Chinook Salmon rearing in riverine and reservoir habitats
Evidence for density-dependent changes in growth, downstream movement, and size of Chinook salmon subyearlings in a large-river landscape
The effects of juvenile American shad planktivory on zooplankton production in Columbia River food webs
Downstream movement of fall Chinook salmon juveniles in the lower Snake River reservoirs during winter and early spring
Estimating and predicting collection probability of fish at dams using multistate modeling
This has been a 28-year partnership between the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (project cooperator) and the Bonneville Power Administration (project funder). This long-term partnership has contributed greatly to our increased understanding of Snake River fall Chinook salmon and the peer-reviewed research products we have produced. Other partners include:
Snake River fall Chinook salmon were listed as “threatened” under the Endangered Species Act in 1992. At that time, little was known about the spawning, rearing, migration, and life history of this species. This long-term research and monitoring project has produced much of the contemporary knowledge on fall Chinook salmon that has been used by fish managers to implement recovery measures. The population has responded positively to these measures but will likely remain a conservation-reliant species.
Snake River fall Chinook salmon mainly spawn and rear in Hells Canyon on the Snake River and in the Clearwater River basin. They are unique in that they complete the freshwater portion of their life cycle in main-stem habitats unlike other salmonids that use smaller tributaries. Initial work on this project focused on understanding the spawning and rearing requirements of these fish in main-stem habitats as well as identifying important spawning and rearing sites. Because fish must pass eight dams enroute to the ocean as juveniles and as returning adults, much research was later directed at determining appropriate spawning and migration flows. Research increased our understanding of the relationships between downstream movement behavior and water velocity, turbulence, and fish physiology that in turn helped explain life history diversity in this species.
Other research explored the growth differences between fish rearing in riverine and reservoir habitats that shed light on the food web that supports juvenile salmon. Growth is higher in the Snake River than in Lower Granite Reservoir—the first reservoir juvenile fish encounter during their seaward migration—that is due to differences the prey community between the two systems. We documented recent changes to the food webs in lower Snake River reservoirs that included describing the ecology of nonnative Siberian prawns, opossum shrimp, and resurgence of the endemic sand roller. Each of these species influences juvenile fall Chinook salmon either directly or indirectly.
Recent research has focused on estimating the loss of juvenile fall Chinook salmon to smallmouth bass predation in the Snake River. Smallmouth bass are very abundant and are effective predators of juvenile salmon. We showed that bass consumption rate of juvenile fall Chinook salmon has increased 15-fold since the mid-1990s when the last predation study was conducted. This is largely due to increased numbers of juvenile salmon available as prey that has resulted from both increases in natural production and hatchery releases. Interestingly, bass abundance has not changed appreciably through time. Efforts are currently underway to develop a method to distinguish the origin (e.g., hatchery or natural) of juvenile salmon consumed by bass to determine if one prey is more vulnerable than the other.
A list of cooperator publications related to this study can be found here.
Publications associated with this project.
Juvenile Chinook Salmon mortality in a Snake River Reservoir: Smallmouth Bass predation revisited
Migratory behavior and physiological development as potential determinants of life history diversity in fall Chinook Salmon in the Clearwater River
Ecology of the Sand Roller (Percopsis transmontana) in a lower Snake River Reservoir, Washington
Ecology of nonnative Siberian prawn (Palaemon modestus) in the lower Snake River, Washington, USA
Feeding ecology of non-native Siberian prawns, Palaemon modestus (Heller, 1862) (Decapoda, Palaemonidae), in the lower Snake River, Washington, U.S.A.
Survival, growth, and tag retention in age-0 Chinook Salmon implanted with 8-, 9-, and 12-mm PIT tags
Assessing juvenile salmon rearing habitat and associated predation risk in a lower Snake River reservoir
Prey availability, consumption, and quality contribute to variation in growth of subyearling Chinook Salmon rearing in riverine and reservoir habitats
Evidence for density-dependent changes in growth, downstream movement, and size of Chinook salmon subyearlings in a large-river landscape
The effects of juvenile American shad planktivory on zooplankton production in Columbia River food webs
Downstream movement of fall Chinook salmon juveniles in the lower Snake River reservoirs during winter and early spring
Estimating and predicting collection probability of fish at dams using multistate modeling
This has been a 28-year partnership between the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (project cooperator) and the Bonneville Power Administration (project funder). This long-term partnership has contributed greatly to our increased understanding of Snake River fall Chinook salmon and the peer-reviewed research products we have produced. Other partners include: