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January 30, 2023

On January 28, 2023, the Landsat 8 spacecraft recovered from the safehold event that began on January 26th. While the sensors onboard have resumed imaging, the data acquired are being assessed for quality and are not yet available for download.

As reported in a recent Landsat Missions Web Site headline, an anomaly caused the spacecraft to enter safehold on Thursday, January 26, 2023. 

Landsat 8 in orbit

After the satellite recovered, the Landsat 8 Flight Operations Team (FOT) spent the weekend assessing the health of the satellite, as well as the onboard instruments. The FOT confirmed that all subsystems are nominal, concluded the recovery, and communicated their approval to resume nominal imaging.

The data received from the satellite's Operational Land Imager (OLI) and Thermal Infrared Sensor (TIRS) are currently being assessed by the USGS/NASA Calibration/Validation Team.  After the team completes their assessment of the data and performs any potential calibration updates, the data from January 28th to present will be made available for download. Future communication will be provided when Landsat 8 data again become available for download from the USGS.   

Reminder: No Landsat 8 data were acquired during the safehold event. To view the lost swaths, access the Landsat Pending Acquisitions Calendar, select Landsat 8, then choose each date of January 26, 27, or 28, 2023. 

Please contact USGS EROS Customer Services with any questions about Landsat 8 data or products.  


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