Select Landsat Collection 2 Level-1 Data Reprocessed
Select Landsat Collection 2 Level-1 data from 1984 to 2020 were reprocessed on June 2, 2022, due to an intermittent issue that did not allow them to be processed to Level-2 science products. These scenes were regenerated using the same calibration parameters as the previous Level-1 version.
Reprocessing allowed for the Collection 2 Level-1 scenes to propagate through to Collection 2 Level-2 products, Collection 2 U.S. Analysis Ready Data (ARD), and Collection 2 Level-3 science products that were not previously available.
Overall, 188 Landsat 5 Thematic Mapper (TM), 14 Landsat 7 Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+), and 292 Landsat 8 Operational Land Imager/Thermal Infrared Sensor (OLI/TIRS) scenes were reprocessed. Please note, the Product ID contains the processing date that will facilitate identification of all scenes included in this reprocessing effort.
For a list of reprocessed scenes, please visit the Landsat Collection 2 Reprocessing Events web page.
Please contact USGS Customer Services with any questions about this announcement.
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