Great Salt Lake comparison, 1986 and 2022
Detailed Description
These Landsat images show the lake at record high levels in 1986 and at a historic low elevation on July 3, 2022.
In 1986, the lake was at a record high and covered approximately 2,300 square miles and contained 30 million acre-feet of water (an acre-foot is the amount of water necessary to cover 1 acre of land with water 1 foot in depth or about 326,000 gallons).
On July 3, 2022, the level of Great Salt Lake dropped below the October 2021 historic low elevation. This average daily surface water elevation, 4,190.1 feet, was measured at USGS station 10010000, located on the southern end of the lake and is associated with a data record dating back to 1847.
Learn more about the Landsat mission at
Learn more about the Great Salt Lake from the Utah Water Science Center
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