Mixed Sediment
Detailed Description
Sample of mixed sediment shown under a microscope at 7.5x magnification. Dark-colored, coarse-grained stamp sands are readily distinguishable from light-colored, finer-grained native sand. Scale bar at bottom right for reference.
Public Domain.
Photomicrograph courtesy of Jason Chaytor, USGS.
Prey Assemblage in Response to Stamp Sands Intrusion
Between 1902 and 1932, it is estimated that 22.7 million metric tons of copper-rich rock were processed in mills near Gay, MI, near Lake Superior. Waste rock from this process (so-called stamp sands) was deposited into a pile adjacent to the Lake Superior beach. Since 1932, these stamp sands have eroded from the original pile and along the shoreline to the south and west (Kerfoot et al. 2021)...
Prey Assemblage in Response to Stamp Sands Intrusion
Between 1902 and 1932, it is estimated that 22.7 million metric tons of copper-rich rock were processed in mills near Gay, MI, near Lake Superior. Waste rock from this process (so-called stamp sands) was deposited into a pile adjacent to the Lake Superior beach. Since 1932, these stamp sands have eroded from the original pile and along the shoreline to the south and west (Kerfoot et al. 2021)...