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Prop Roots of Red Mangrove Trees in Everglades National Park

2019 (approx.)

Detailed Description

A mangrove forest in Everglades National Park (Florida, USA). Mangrove forests in this area are greatly influenced by hurricanes and rising sea levels. The arching roots in this photo are called “prop roots” and are growing from red mangrove trees (Rhizophora mangle). Another common mangrove species in this area (the black mangrove- Avicennia germinans) produces roots called “pneumatophores” that extend vertically, perpendicular to the soil surface. High belowground mangrove root production in combination with marine sediments transported into these ecosystems during hurricanes can help some mangrove wetlands build soil elevation and adjust to (i.e., keep pace with) moderate rises in sea level.


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