WAUSP Northern Atlantic Coastal Plain Aquifer System photo 13
By New York Water Science Center
2018 (approx.)
Detailed Description
WAUSP Northern Atlantic Coastal Plain Aquifer System photo 13
Public Domain.
North and South Carolina Atlantic Coastal Plain aquifer system
The Atlantic Coastal Plain sediments in North and South Carolina consist of unconsolidated sand, silts, and clays along with crystalline carbonate units of Late Cretaceous, Tertiary, and Quaternary age that unconformably overlie consolidated crystalline bedrock of Paleozoic and Triassic age.
Northern Atlantic Coastal Plain aquifer system
The Northern Atlantic Coastal Plain (NACP) aquifer system occupies a land area of more than 30,000 square miles and a total area of 50,000 square miles along the eastern seaboard of the United States from Long Island, New York, southward to the northeastern part of North Carolina.
Regional Groundwater Availability Studies
Regional groundwater availability studies enable information about groundwater to be integrated and consistent, so that this resource can be analyzed and understood on an aquifer–wide scale. These studies provide decision–makers with a better understanding of the status and trends in the Nation's groundwater availability.
North and South Carolina Atlantic Coastal Plain aquifer system
The Atlantic Coastal Plain sediments in North and South Carolina consist of unconsolidated sand, silts, and clays along with crystalline carbonate units of Late Cretaceous, Tertiary, and Quaternary age that unconformably overlie consolidated crystalline bedrock of Paleozoic and Triassic age.
Northern Atlantic Coastal Plain aquifer system
The Northern Atlantic Coastal Plain (NACP) aquifer system occupies a land area of more than 30,000 square miles and a total area of 50,000 square miles along the eastern seaboard of the United States from Long Island, New York, southward to the northeastern part of North Carolina.
Regional Groundwater Availability Studies
Regional groundwater availability studies enable information about groundwater to be integrated and consistent, so that this resource can be analyzed and understood on an aquifer–wide scale. These studies provide decision–makers with a better understanding of the status and trends in the Nation's groundwater availability.