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Repeat photography of the San Pedro River valley, near St. David, southern AZ

Detailed Description

This repeat photographic series starts in 1891, with a man standing in an open area in the San Pedro River valley, a point about 3 miles southeast of St. David looking east toward Cochise Stronghold (center) in the Dragoon Mountains in southern AZ. The original film for the first image is courtesy of the Arizona Historical Society (public domain) and was taken by George Roskruge, an Arizona surveyor in the 1800s who later became U.S. Surveyor General. The second image was taken in 1962 by J.R. Hastings, USGS, and the third was taken by Dr. Robert Webb, USGS, in 1994. SBSC Southwest Repeat Photography Collection, stake (camera point) s0151.


Public Domain.

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