Research Geochemist Renee Takesue combines geology and chemistry to shed light on how chemical components from natural and human-made sources make their way into coastal environments.
Climate Science Champions, Season 2: Kira Mizell, Research Oceanographer (AD)
Detailed Description
Research Oceanographer Kira Mizell studies changes in ocean chemistry by collecting marine minerals, looking for insights into past climate conditions and geologic history.
The world’s oceans are in constant flux, influencing—and being influenced by—Earth’s climate. One way USGS researchers study changes in ocean chemistry over geologic time is by collecting marine minerals known as ferromanganese crusts. These minerals grow slowly on the seafloor over millions of years, building layers and accumulating metals as they precipitate from seawater. The study of ferromanganese crusts provides insights into past climatic conditions and geologic history. For example, ferromanganese crusts record the intensity of erosion on land by rivers and along the coast, as well as changes to ocean circulation and biological activity levels in ocean surface waters.
Public Domain.
Video is Public Domain.
Music: “On the Sleeping Shores” by Chaxti, “Leaving Serengeti” by Ooyy, used with permission from Epidemic Sound.
Additional media courtesy of North Atlantic Stepping Stones/Ocean Exploration/National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Additional media used with permission from Envato Elements.
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Climate Science Champions, Season 2: Kira Mizell, Research Oceanographer
Research Oceanographer Kira Mizell studies change in ocean chemistry by collecting marine minerals, looking for insights into past climate conditions and geologic history.
Research Geochemist Renee Takesue combines geology and chemistry to shed light on how chemical components from natural and human-made sources make their way into coastal environments.
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Research Oceanographer Jessica Lacy investigates the influence of tides, waves, and water levels on wave-exposed tidal salt marshes, helping to understand how these important ecosystems will respond to sea level rise.
Geologist Ann Gibbs studies the vulnerability of the rapidly-warming Alaska coast to climate change effects like sea level rise and permafrost thawing.
Geologist Ann Gibbs studies the vulnerability of the rapidly-warming Alaska coast to climate change effects like sea level rise and permafrost thawing.
Along reef-lined shores of the Pacific Islands, USGS Research Geologist and Oceanographer Ferdinand Oberle studies how warming surface waters, nutrient runoff, and increasingly powerful storms impact coral reefs.
Along reef-lined shores of the Pacific Islands, USGS Research Geologist and Oceanographer Ferdinand Oberle studies how warming surface waters, nutrient runoff, and increasingly powerful storms impact coral reefs.
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Climate Science Champions, Season 2: Kira Mizell, Research Oceanographer
Research Oceanographer Kira Mizell studies change in ocean chemistry by collecting marine minerals, looking for insights into past climate conditions and geologic history.
Research Geochemist Renee Takesue combines geology and chemistry to shed light on how chemical components from natural and human-made sources make their way into coastal environments.
Research Geochemist Renee Takesue combines geology and chemistry to shed light on how chemical components from natural and human-made sources make their way into coastal environments.
Research Oceanographer Jessica Lacy investigates the influence of tides, waves, and water levels on wave-exposed tidal salt marshes, helping to understand how these important ecosystems will respond to sea level rise.
Research Oceanographer Jessica Lacy investigates the influence of tides, waves, and water levels on wave-exposed tidal salt marshes, helping to understand how these important ecosystems will respond to sea level rise.
Geologist Ann Gibbs studies the vulnerability of the rapidly-warming Alaska coast to climate change effects like sea level rise and permafrost thawing.
Geologist Ann Gibbs studies the vulnerability of the rapidly-warming Alaska coast to climate change effects like sea level rise and permafrost thawing.
Along reef-lined shores of the Pacific Islands, USGS Research Geologist and Oceanographer Ferdinand Oberle studies how warming surface waters, nutrient runoff, and increasingly powerful storms impact coral reefs.
Along reef-lined shores of the Pacific Islands, USGS Research Geologist and Oceanographer Ferdinand Oberle studies how warming surface waters, nutrient runoff, and increasingly powerful storms impact coral reefs.