List of semiconsolidated sand and gravel aquifers
Semiconsolidated aquifers of the United States, which consist of semiconsolidated sand interbedded with silt, clay, and minor carbonate rocks.
To learn more, visit the Unconsolidated and Semiconsolidated Sand and Gravel Aquifers webpage for an overview, or access more extensive information from the Ground Water Atlas of the United States (USGS Hydrologic Atlas 730) by clicking on an individual region/chapter below.
Coastal lowlands aquifer system
- Oklahoma, and Texas (Chapter E)
- Arkansas, Louisiana, and Mississippi (Chapter F)
- Alabama, Florida, Georgia, and South Carolina (Chapter G)
Texas coastal uplands aquifer system
- Oklahoma, and Texas (Chapter E)
Mississippi embayment aquifer system
- Arkansas, Louisiana, and Mississippi (Chapter F)
- Kansas, Missouri, and Nebraska (Chapter D)
- Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio, and Tennessee (Chapter K)
Southeastern Coastal Plain aquifer system
- Arkansas, Louisiana, and Mississippi (Chapter F)
- Alabama, Florida, Georgia, and South Carolina (Chapter G)
- Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio, and Tennessee (Chapter K)
Northern Atlantic Coastal Plain aquifer system
Below are other web pages related to principal aquifers.
Unconsolidated and semiconsolidated sand and gravel aquifers
Below are publications associated with principal aquifers.
Ground Water Atlas of the United States
Semiconsolidated aquifers of the United States, which consist of semiconsolidated sand interbedded with silt, clay, and minor carbonate rocks.
To learn more, visit the Unconsolidated and Semiconsolidated Sand and Gravel Aquifers webpage for an overview, or access more extensive information from the Ground Water Atlas of the United States (USGS Hydrologic Atlas 730) by clicking on an individual region/chapter below.
Coastal lowlands aquifer system
- Oklahoma, and Texas (Chapter E)
- Arkansas, Louisiana, and Mississippi (Chapter F)
- Alabama, Florida, Georgia, and South Carolina (Chapter G)
Texas coastal uplands aquifer system
- Oklahoma, and Texas (Chapter E)
Mississippi embayment aquifer system
- Arkansas, Louisiana, and Mississippi (Chapter F)
- Kansas, Missouri, and Nebraska (Chapter D)
- Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio, and Tennessee (Chapter K)
Southeastern Coastal Plain aquifer system
- Arkansas, Louisiana, and Mississippi (Chapter F)
- Alabama, Florida, Georgia, and South Carolina (Chapter G)
- Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio, and Tennessee (Chapter K)
Northern Atlantic Coastal Plain aquifer system
Below are other web pages related to principal aquifers.
Unconsolidated and semiconsolidated sand and gravel aquifers
Below are publications associated with principal aquifers.