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BBL Employee Spotlight: Chelsea Steinbrecher-Hoffmann

August 31, 2018

A brief biography on the newest member of the BBL team.

BBL's new Employee Chelsea Steinbrecher-Hoffmann
A migrant red-eyed vireo meets a migratory bird biologist (Public domain.)



Chelsea Steinbrecher-Hoffmann recently started at the USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center’s Bird Banding Laboratory in August 2018. She earned an associates of science degree from Front Range Community College in Fort Collins, Colorado in 2008. Before her time at BBL, Chelsea was a broadcast journalist and public affairs specialist in Okinawa, Japan for the United States Marine Corps from 2008 to 2012. In 2018, she earned a Bachelor of Science in biology with a minor in communication from Framingham State University in Massachusetts. While at FSU, Chelsea studied ornithology, and found her passion for birds and field work.

Chelsea's role at the BBL includes data management for encounters and program coordination with the STEP-UP (Secondary Transition to Employment Program – USGS Partnership) program.


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