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The journal Fisheries Management and Ecology is pleased to announce a special issue on the Resist-Adapt-Direct (RAD) Framework. The special issue will feature RAD thematic articles and case studies focused on fish and fisheries. Submissions are due November 15, 2021.

Ecosystem transformation represents the emergence of new ecological states that diverge dramatically from prior structure and function. Such transformations are occurring at unprecedented rates and spatial extents, due to global pressures such as climate change, habitat conversion, harvest, pollution, and invasive species. The Resist-Adapt-Direct (RAD) Framework is a simple, flexible decision-making tool for managing transforming ecosystems. 

National CASC Research Fish Biologist and Fisheries Management and Ecology (FME) Associate Editor Abigail Lynch is leading a special issue in the journal focused on RAD thematic articles and case studies focused on fish and fisheries. Submissions are encouraged to include benchmarking approaches and/or criteria for selecting among RAD strategies. The special issue is in coordination with a symposium at the upcoming American Fisheries Society meeting on the same topic.  


  • Submission deadline: November 15, 2021
  • Manuscripts should be submitted through the FME portal and follow author guidelines.
  • All submissions will be peer reviewed and acceptance is contingent upon feedback.
  • Accepted articles will be available online as soon as they are published and later compiled into a special issue.
  • For more information, contact FME Associate Editor Abigail Lynch ( 

For more information on the RAD Framework:

Triangle diagram outlining RAD framework, with Resist, Accept, and Direct on each side of the triangle
The RAD Framework lays out three approaches for making management decisions for systems undergoing ecosystem transformation: 1) Resist, where managers maintain or restore current or historical ecosystems and ecosystem services, 2) Accept, where managers yield to ongoing transformation and accept new ecosystem structure and functions, and 3) Direct, where managers actively steward changes towards alternative ecosystem structure and functions.

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