Recent CDI Activity
Find out more about the CDI Monthly Meeting on funded projects and CDI Collaboration Area activity on managed open source, FAIR vocabularies, improvements to the USGS Science Data Catalog, machine learning for fine scale mapping of water features, web frameworks for building APIs, and more.
The CDI Monthly Meeting in April focused on three 2019 CDI-funded projects: an open source and open-workflow Climate Scenarios Toolbox for adaptation planning, a project developing cloud computing capability for camera image velocity gaging, and a project integrating environmental DNA (eDNA) data into the USGS Nonindigenous Aquatic Species database.
CDI collaboration areas meet regularly to learn about relevant topics and skills. Visit this post on the CDI wiki to see a round-up of April 2020 Collaboration Area activity in the areas of artificial intelligence and machine learning, software development, data management, fire science, metadata review, semantic web, tech stack, open innovation, usability, DevOps, and risk research.
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