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Remote Sensing Phenology Revised Metrics for 2003 - 2017 Released

February 28, 2019

A revised set of phenology metrics have been released for 2003 – 2017. This suite of phenology metrics was
derived from time-series Collection 6 Aqua eMODIS Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) data.

Download C6 Aqua Eastern U.S. 250 m eMODIS Phenology Metrics
Download C6 Aqua Western U.S. 250 m eMODIS Phenology Metrics 

West and East eMODIS Remote Sensing Phenology -  SOST for 2017
Western and Eastern region eMODIS Remote Sensing Phenology Start of Season for 2017.

Historical remote sensing phenology (RSP) image data and graphics for the conterminous U.S. are made freely available from the USGS/EROS Center through this website.

Five data sets are distributed: CONUS 1 km AVHRR RSP data, C5 Eastern CONUS 250 m eMODIS RSP data, C6 Eastern CONUS 250 m eMODIS RSP data, C5 Western CONUS 250 m eMODIS RSP data, and C6 Western CONUS 250 m eMODIS RSP data.

Due to sensor degradation of the MODIS Terra sensor, particularly for the period after 2007, we recommend that users work with the C6 eMODIS RSP datasets which are derived from AQUA MODIS C6 NDVI data.

Users of these phenology data sets should cite this DOI:

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