Southeast Texas Flood Coordination Study (SETxFCS)
Southeast Texas has experienced flooding severe enough for presidential disaster declarations five times in the last six years.
A group of local flood control experts, emergency responders, water managers, university researchers, and others, known as the Southeast Texas Flood Coordination Group have been meeting for the last two years to try to improve the area’s resiliency to flooding. USGS has seen this as an opportunity to test out some concepts for the 3D National Topography Model (3DNTM) and is undertaking two related pilot projects in the area.
One pilot is to integrate the many existing bathymetry datasets, both coastal and inland, with the terrestrial lidar, to create a single topo-bathymetric surface. The other pilot project is deriving hydrography from the lidar data and incorporating that into the NHD for ten 10-digit hydrologic units in the area. The results of these pilot projects will help USGS test out the concepts they are developing for the 3DNTM. For more information about the SETxFCS see the Southeast Texas Flood Coordination Study geonarrative they recently released:
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